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Active Member
May 4, 2009
acme labs marion ohio
sorry to hear your troubles SB. if your going through ohio on your way home i have a bike i can donate to the cause to get you started back on the road to MB'ing. just swing by and pick it up.


New Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Carlos CA
That's one of thoose things I just stare at quietly, a formula of sorrow and other emotions
I can't describe But what would this be like if you were driving?
As Gen. George S. Patten once quoted: " Succes is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom" I wish you a huge jump, and remember, you have a bunch of old guts and a 11 year old thinking about you.



New Member
Sep 26, 2008
Hey SB, chin up shoulders back you got the right attitude, but I know your feelin hollow and tramatized. Let me know how I can help you get your NewsBoy Runnin'.

Anybody got a way to set up a fund? Prolly someone who's kinda in the area? I know we're a "thrifty" bunch but if we all pool together we can pick a friend back up!

Be well, help is on the way!


Your East Coast Gasbike Connection
Apr 18, 2009
Wista ma
Sorry for your misfortune SB.. You did right by bringing it to the community. Lots of people here will be willing to help, I'm sure. I know those burned bike parts got me tuned right in. Heartbreaking to say the least!

Someone post SB's paypal address here then people can just go there and give what they want. I will absolutely donate to the cause. Anybody near him should help put some clothes together because those are gone also..

Lets Get Silver Bear Back to the Forest..
If 10 people donate 100 dollars SB will be able to get a stable enough truck to bring him back to the forest. Last I checked there were like 15,000 members here. This Shouldn't be too hard.

Once home. I'm sure 1 bike will lead to 2 and 2 to 3. As they always do. I'll donate bike parts as well.

Hope we can help out here. We've been called on for a reason.........


New Member
Jun 1, 2009
SB, I am full of sorrow for your loss, and am very glad the Dog and Yourself are alright. As a firefighter, I see a lot of stuff happen, but no matter what I saw it didn't prepare me for my grief, when out on a fire run my own home burned. I'm glad you came to us, I will donate, heck there is 15,000 members if half donate a buck or two you can get a new rig. I will donate 4 sure can't afford a hundred but I'll pitch in!


New Member
Dec 3, 2009
I have to say to all you folks, what a great bunch of real folks, this forum is MORE than just a "techno Bla". In my heart, I am so grateful to be part of this. So glad SB and pup are OK, soft spot for dog's, yea, My Weimer Sara, almost died last week, dia. with Diabeties, spent 1500 for the vet to get her back on her feet, put a halt on the MB's for a bit, but I'm certianly in to help Silver bear, just say where. Life happens for sure, the guy upstairs doesn't check with me before it does, sucks sometimes.



Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2010
Central Area of Texas
Well, this kind of thing just leaves one thinking how quick it can all be gone, but at the same time I realize that our creator has it all under control even though many times in life we go through very trying times and may never in this life truly understand the reason for it, but a strong since of faith and hope in God for a better and brighter tomorrow will carry us through most all of what this life has to throw at us if we'll stay focused on the things that really matter and give our best effort to do the right thing and care for our fellow man as much as we care for ourselves, I'm very new here to this forum and to this great group of people I have met through the words I've watched in this MB's Forum, I will be willing to pitch in as well if I could get someone to send me Silverbear's e-mail addy. for sending funds to pay pal, as it has been said before there are enough of us out here to make a difference for our fellow MB-er if we will all just pull together and give what we can $1 or $100 it doesnt matter every penny will help so let's all do what we can, I know many of us dont have a lot, but heck dont we all waist a but load of money all the time on junk that dont amount to a hill of beans, who knows some of the rest of us may be in this same place some day and I'll bet we would really appreciate a little help in our time of need, Silverbear I know it's hard to take help sometime like this but, man this is not welfare this is coming from people who have real compasion for a fellow man that has a need and we just want to help because it's the right thing to do, so give us an e-mail addy so we can help get you up and going again.

God Bless you and your PUP, and be careful and know that myself and I'm sure there are others out here that will continue to have you in our thoughts and prayers.

someone PM me an addy. so I can send what I can to help Silverbear, lets quit talking about all this and help this guy out.....!



New Member
Jun 1, 2009
Paul?!! Can you organize this? or Silver Bear PM us some paypal info so we can start helping! I wanna throw props out to everyone who has posted here as of yet, and Damn look at Cam go thats a beautiful bike for free, your in our hearts and Minds SB!


May 25, 2008
SB, I am so sorry to hear this. Could you please post your email addy or get one just for this? Twice in my life folks helped me get home and I owe.

What ever you need, I and we want to help.


New Member
Jun 1, 2009
I agree with Dan I have many times had the help of a kind stranger and I owe it to them and you! I'm sure many of us feel the same, sorry if I do a lot of posts on this one but I wanna keep it bumped up.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
Everybody that wants to help SilverBear needs to PM him & kinda keep it out of public! I know this forum discourages taking up public collections for people!

Pass the word on for everyone to just send SB a PM with your help!
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a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
i can't believe it. after all these months watching your progress on your bikes, i can't believe they're gone. glad you're ok, and after reading through all the supportive comments from members here, i know we can help you get back on your feet, and i've got some parts i'll gladly donate to help you get back on your wheels, just let me know where to send them.


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Aaniimoosh and I got up at dawn to survey the wreckage after a restless and soul searching night. As she watched me looking things over, on some level the dog understands that things are terribly wrong and we sure aren't going anywhere in that truck. I picked through things some, like what people must do after a flood or a tornado. Or a house fire. Looking for what can be kept and making a kind of mental list of what's gone for good. I'd forgotten that the Viking sewing machine I use for making moccasins and mukluks was in there, now wrecked. Both of my much used little Dremel mototools are shot. Found a drill that still works. The battery drill still works, too, as it had been in it's metal box, but the charger is burned up. Found the melted charger for my camera and the melted mess of my laptop. All clothes and footwear burned. Sleeping bags gone. Sportscarpat's beautiful stainless steel tank for the 50 Schwinn came through it pretty well, but will need new paint. I was glad of that. It was his prototype which he sold to me cheap as being lesser than his later versions. I like it best since it was his first and the beginning of what later became the wonderful Worksman tanks he makes now. So that was kind of a high point. My hard won fenders on the 39 Elgin are salvageable (again), but the frame is warped. I'll be able to save bits and pieces. The American has parts I can save and there are a few things from the 38 Elgin which are still good. That chain guard BarelyAWake liked so much and was thinking about for his Rollfast is still good, so if you want it Barely, it's yours. All the heavy duty wheels are shot and I was especially sorry to see the front drum Worksman wheel from Fasteddy is a loss. I was hoping the clamshell adapter from Jim was still good, but it's a loss, too. All three engines melted which I guess is no surprise. Wrenches and sockets just need cleaning up. Vise is still a vise, minus paint. Then there are mysterious survivors like the little box of diamond bits for the Dremel. A roll of silver solder and paste, untouched. Two new tubes of JB Weld like new (boy that stuff is good!) I'll keep looking for things with some meaning, like my hunting knife I made from a file thirty years ago. Must be in the cab since it was above the visor. I can carve a new handle for it and cover it in Elk hide like before. Silly stuff like that. I called my insurance company to see about canceling my coverage and to let them know that a claim would be coming from the owner of the Blazer which caught on fire from my inferno.
Still kind of in a daze, I had lunch and took a nap... then logged on to the internet with an old computer borrowed from the owner here. I've been holding it together pretty well, being kind of fatalistic about what happened and figuring there's no use crying over the proverbial spilled milk... until I read your posts, you very good and special people. That's when I got a lump in my throat and found some leakage around the eyes. I feel overwhelmed by everyone's caring and kindness. I had never considered someone might want to help and it surprised me and filled my heart with gratitude. It is hard for me to accept help. Always has been. I give it freely, but never felt at ease in accepting it from others. I'm learning that accepting with grace is the flip side of the giving coin. It is important to give with a clear heart, I've long known that, but it is also good to receive well. So the proud old me of my youth wants to say no thank you, but the humbled elder before you shakes each of your hands and thanks you from my heart for your help. I knew this forum was special when I first signed on. You guys...
My paypal email address is:
[email protected]


New Member
Oct 17, 2009
I don't like the news one bit. I'm sorry to hear about the misfortune that crossed your path. I have a Felt Bicycle I can donate. PM with an address and I'll send it out.
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