


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
The older I get, the harder Winters are on me!
I mean, look at what I have to endure!

And ON TOP OF THAT, enough rain today to get the car dirty!

Thankfully we will be back in the 70's in few days, but I will probably use the heater, ~77F is just right for me in winter, but I'm fine with 110F ;-}

Hehehe, sorry guys, I can't help gloating this time of year ;-}


Nov 18, 2016
wise guy !!
we had single digits last week.
i'm OK with 32 or above and ride well dressed for it.
it's that freezing point of 32* that bothers me.
and yea i been collecting SS for a yr now.
got a friend that busted a lot of bones as a kid, lots of metal holding him together.
his wood stove cranks out the BTU's. he keeps it at 80* in there all winter....


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Mister Rogers says it's not polite to gloat... can you say that? gloat?
Hehehe, Naw-ne-naw naw, I'm warm and your not hehe ;-}

I endure our summer heat with a smile just so I can endure these 'brutal' winter temps! ;-}

Really though, I feel for you guys to the North and East.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2012
sf bay area
Lucky SOB to think I have to ride in weather like that approx 6 months of the year... :D

wise guy !!
we had single digits last week.
i'm OK with 32 or above and ride well dressed for it.
it's that freezing point of 32* that bothers me.
This ^^^ It doesn't go below bout 35 here at night but still. I'm just glad there's no snow here. Put about 30mi this week in cold a$$$ weather and you know what... the engine makes way more power!!


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
I'm so grateful that it's been above freezing these last few days. You have no idea. When I first learned to drive back in high school driver's ed, it was in winter, slogging through deep and slushy snow, in a rear-wheel-drive car. That kind of learning and paranoia stuck with me. But even in this more modern era, a number of these maniacal lunatics in this town can't seem to stay out of the ditch on the best of days, with front-wheel-drive. So when we had apocalyptic weather a few days ago, it got ugly fast.
Last weekend, on Friday night/Saturday morning, the ground was still well below freezing. But a warm front blew in and started pouring rain, which froze to ice on the ground and the road in minutes. Apparently, nobody in charge deduced the danger in that incoming front. And it came in fast. No time to alert the salt trucks. The early commuters took to I-465 and the horror show began. By 6 am Saturday morning the police and staties were answering to over 500 accidents and mounting, and freezing cold conditions. I had to drive my wife to work, but we saw what was going on out on the highway and managed to get the heck outta there. (Bragging alert - I picked out some through-town roads that had just been salted and got her there only 3 minutes late! Yay me!) But, that said, I could not find it in my heart to completely blame even the idiots that day. It was badder than bad. It was brutal for any kind of driver.
The state trooper in the news said he hadn't seen it that bad in 14 years. Only 4 fatalities, but over a hundred injured. I saw videos of rescuers having to slide across the ice on their butts to get to people because you couldn't stand on the water-slicked ice. They were towing trashed cars to the impound for two days. During that time, there were decrepit, orange-tagged cars all along the shoulder nearly everyplace you looked. In short, I am super glad that it was warmer this weekend. And relieved.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
I don't have studded tires, just knobbies, but crossing thinly covered ice over small streams should be OK. Camping in 28 F degree weather has to be desired though!


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
I don't have studded tires...
I have a great real story about studded tires ;-}

My wife spent some time in the snow and had studded tires put on the van, and then drove back home to Phoenix.

A tire developed a slow leak so I ran it up to the shop.
The young guy looked at it I thought he was gonna loose it!
Sir! This tire must have 100 nails in it! Did you run over a box a nails?!!!

Hehehe.. I friggn lost it!
I had tears coming down as I tried to explain to him what studded tires were hehehe ;-}


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Well, good news! I survived the brutal cold of January, it almost got to freezing once, and a couple days when we didn't get above 50F!

Granted I still need my robe and slippers to go out back and pluck a couple fresh oranges for my morning juice but I can live with that as we are back in the perfect ~70F zone again.

Catch some of the Phoenix Open Golf Tournament on TV Turs-Sun next week if you can, there is nothing like it even you could care less about golf.

Basically it's a huge outdoor party on grass filled with drunk rich people that the golfers play through heheh ;-}

The 16 hole is infamous, they added even more bleachers around it this year.

I have a special fondness for the Phoenix Open.
When I was in my prime, my old high school buddy Chapin scored the Cart Tent concession for the Open for 7 years.

This was like winning the Fun lottery for me.

I had my own computer business and could take time off whenever I wanted to, and my wife knew every year I would take a 4 day vacation to the open.

For this story to make any sense, you need to know how special those years were to me, you have to understand what the 'Cart Tent' is.

The Cart Tent was more like a Circus tent where every golf cart used for the tournament has to go to at the end of the day to be re-charged or re-fuled for the next day.

I won't go into details, but suffice it say all of us friends that could get away enjoyed the golf tournament with all the free beer and food I could carry in my own golf cart all day, every day ;-}

You can't buy that.
Spectators even can't get a cart.
In short, if you were on a cart, you were a god hehehe ;-}

Funny what rich people will pay for a ride, and what you can do with golf cart and night ;-}

Anyway that sadly ended but the bottom line for me is, for few years I actually walked away with ~$1K more than I came in with for a really fun Vacation!
And had a 4 day holiday filled with best my best friends with unlimited beer, food, and golf carts in great weather as a bonus!

The official open starts Thursday, what can you do next week where you live?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Great story, KC. I feel bad that you have to suffer those brutal winters. Maybe I can send you some pelts to keep you warm.
Sounds good and warm, I'll need that if travel up the hill to Flagstaff to visit the snow.

There is a bunch of that icky white stuff up there, but I can't ski anymore it's just a one day trip, then back down the mountain to the Valley of the Sun for much more favorable weather like this week is expecting.

Actually, I should mow the lawn first, well more like weeds, but after the rains last week they are 1' tall and bright green now.

I should be OK for what remains of winter here now ;-}


Apr 4, 2012
I have words for you, but this is a family friendly zone i will refrain. -20 this morning and a couple days of snow in the forecast. After tow week in the carribean coming back to this was hard.
So over average its been a mild winter.
Went to fire my pellet stove up first time this season and discovered it is malfunctionong. Lightning strike in august must have taken it out too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
I have words for you, but this is a family friendly zone i will refrain.
-20 this morning and a couple days of snow in the forecast.
After two week in the carribean coming back to this was hard.
Nice Vacation, two weeks where is warm with lots to do!
My winter vacation is a staycation, and it lasts all winter.

There is of course a PENALTY for having such awesome weather in the winter, it's called SUMMER, but right now it's frigg'n awesome being here as all kinds of cool stuff is going on now because this is the best place in the US to be outdoors in the winter.
Waste Management Phoenix Open

The 2017 Waste Management Phoenix Open, known as “The Greatest Show on Grass,” will be held at TPC Scottsdale from January 30-February 5, 2017. The WMPO is the best-attended golf tournament in the world with more than 618,000 fans attending in 2016."

An attendance record was set Saturday when 204,906 fans watched the third round of the Waste Management Phoenix Open at the Tournament Players Club of Scottsdale.

The previous record for Saturday was 201,003, set last year.
Already this week, 597,680 have come through the gates at the TPC Scottsdale.
The record week-long attendance is 618,365, also set in 2016, when the Super Bowl was here the same Sunday!


Where do you put that many people on a golf course?
Bleachers and luxury boxes.
They are always at the start/finish and the turn at 9, but the popular 16th hole is known as the 'roundest hole in golf', and this year they a bunch more seats and of course, luxury sky boxes.

Imagine being a Pro Golfer hitting to green surrounded by this...

In the middle of your round!

ANyway, just like you might post your vacation pictures, I am just posting mine, it shouldn't matter if I didn't have go anywhere to be there ;-}

To live in Winters like this, your body has to adapt to extreme heat for the Summer.
My body has had 50 years to adapt, starting out doing roofing in the summer for 5 years.

To me, it's not really hot until we hit 110F.
The record day was 122F and I was out in it.
But to my body, 50F is really cold.
Hence the BURRR topic!

You will have your revenge when it is like here right now where you live, Here on any partially hot day your bike tires may sink into the pavement when you stop. Seriously.

That of course if for my summer topic, this is my winter 'Na-ne na-na' topic so eat your hearts out boys ;-}


New Member
Oct 30, 2016
Hood River, Oregon
Come up north to Oregon. It's been 6-30 degrees here with about 4 feet of snow. Just when it started to melt, we got another dump. No bike riding for me, until maybe in two weeks when I get back from SoCal where it's warm?

Coldest I've been in, in the states, was -25 F on a mountain in colorado. And I'm only a Teenager.
At least the weather is perfect for about 6 months of the year... Cool, sometimes wet, sometimes dry... Cloudy and sunny. Room temperature weather. Ahhh summer... Where art thou


Nov 3, 2015
Nova Scotia
You live in a very interesting place KC.
A couple hours north to Prescott, Jerome or Flagstaff and the weather is pretty close to Canadian. A couple hours south to Tuscon, Yuma or Bisbee and it gets hot as Hades.

We are having a mild winter here in Nova Scotia, not enough snow for the skidoo. About 4"
I have been getting out on the 240 Blaster

A bit too deep for the motorized bike, but I'm still riding a 2 stroke.

The Blaster is kinda sweet. It will fit in the back of the minivan.No trailer needed.

Can load it myself, no ramps needed.

I spent a few weeks in Arizona. Loved it. Liked the people and the pace.
On the cold windy -15c days I wish I was there...