BlowByU Full Belt Drive Felt Magno Build

Terry Blow

Dealer & Custom Builder
Oct 29, 2009
Surrey B.C Canada
Hi All
I have been thinking about this build for the last few months and now it is time to start. I am going to be using some parts I have not used before they are more expensive than parts I have used in the past but the quality is higher and over all safer. Here are a few pics

felt_magno_3spd.jpg This bike will get my custom made full length exhausts

XL-FD.jpg Sturmey Archer 90mm front drum brake

xrd.jpg Sturmey Archer 70mm rear drum brake with 7 speed free wheel

SANY0316.jpg 5:1 ratio 4G T Belt Drive Trans will be modified so output will be belt drive

49cc-motor-front.jpg Huasheng 142F-cc 49cc 4-stroke this engine and trans will get a paint job that I have not done before but is going to be SWEET the entire engine and trans are going to get a paint job it should look well SWEET LOL
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Terry Blow

Dealer & Custom Builder
Oct 29, 2009
Surrey B.C Canada
Here are rear sheaves and spacers that are ordered and on the way, same goes for the Strumey Archer stuff it is ordered and on the way too
Stainless%20Steel%20Sheave.jpg I will be using this stainless steel rear wheel sheave

sheeve%20spacer%20set%20of%209.jpg And these spacers
yhst-10337746512064_2132_4021442.jpg Because the Magno is a steel frame there is not much room for fuel in the top tube so I will be using this ultra cool tank with lay-back seat post

So now I have ordered all these parts and now I am going to go crazy waiting for them LOL so yes I do know what is like :p
Oh one last thing there will be no chain on this bike except the pedaling chain and that will be a 7 speed free wheel.
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Terry Blow

Dealer & Custom Builder
Oct 29, 2009
Surrey B.C Canada
Thank you I don't see anything that is going to hold me back I Have the sheave for the trans ordered. When that comes in the out put shaft is going to the machinist to have it turned down to 1/2 inch and a key-way cut the rest should NP. I am trying to decide on front forks but that is extra cost and will push the price of the bike up when done we will see shocks would be nice.

Terry Blow

Dealer & Custom Builder
Oct 29, 2009
Surrey B.C Canada
That would be a good way to go as long as it will work with a front fender I guess I will have to ask Norm at Venice Thanks for the good idea Wayne


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2010
Southern California
Good choice, Terry. Man, those Felt bikes are really nice, and I love the Sturmey archer hubs. Going to be a sweet ride. I would like to know where you got the rear pulley and especially the spacers. They're a little different than the ones on my Whizzer pulley. Thanks.

Terry Blow

Dealer & Custom Builder
Oct 29, 2009
Surrey B.C Canada
Good choice, Terry. Man, those Felt bikes are really nice, and I love the Sturmey archer hubs. Going to be a sweet ride. I would like to know where you got the rear pulley and especially the spacers. They're a little different than the ones on my Whizzer pulley. Thanks.
Hi you have a good eye that is a stainless steel rear sheave and it will be part of a kit I will be selling after this thread is done. The kit will be for the 5:1 ratio 4G T Belt Drive. And consist of the sheave, spacers, output shaft and sheave for the output shaft but will not include the belt as there so many different sizes. My guess at the kit price $250 depending on what the costs are after the shafts have been machined.
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Terry Blow

Dealer & Custom Builder
Oct 29, 2009
Surrey B.C Canada
Hi terry

will you have to have a idler pulley or belt tightner on the bottom of the rear belt to keep it above the chain stay.

Have been thnking about a simular setup with the hf 79cc. Last month i bought a nice 2008 ne5 whizzer for $400. Never thought i could afford one! Lol your build will be cool, as always.

Last week fl was the only state with out snow. Sure don`t miss northern wis in the winter.

Hey Ron
The price will not include the idler from what I have worked out so far is that there will be no need for one. The engine mounts I do are a sliding mount and I hope I don't need an idler. That is a smoking deal on a whizzer it is a good time to have money deals are popping up every where in the US can't say as much for Canada.


New Member
May 28, 2008
Hi terry

i was refering to bottom of belt, not off-set. Looked at some mab pic`s and you tranny pulley will be more than high enough.

My bad!! Lol. You will be good to go!

Looking forward to seeing your build finished.

Terry Blow

Dealer & Custom Builder
Oct 29, 2009
Surrey B.C Canada
Hi terry

i was referring to bottom of belt, not off-set. Looked at some mab pic`s and you tranny pulley will be more than high enough.

My bad!! Lol. You will be good to go!

Looking forward to seeing your build finished.
Ya Ron
I was talking about the same as you the 4G's out put shaft dose sit real high should make it all real simple. BUT I am going to have to try a bunch of different output shaft sheave sizes but I am starting out with 2 inch but I won't be surprised if in the end it is a 3 inch or 4 inch we shall see


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
If you ran the stock can instead of your new exhaust, you would be as quiet as an electric darn near.....rotfl Now git back to work Terry.....we want to see this Felt ever watch Overhauled ? The clock is ticking and we're all waitin on ya.....put er in gear and drop the clutchbrnot
