A Cops perspective....



New Member
Mar 20, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
Hi Hambro.

Could you share with us a memorable hairy moment you've had?

And Gareth, please forgive my brevity as my right arm is in a sling right now due to a very painful shoulder injury (non mc related). I'm right there with you on your overall POV.

But this conversation has convinced me to wear my boots, knee, and shin protection more often. Future hindsight is telling me just gearing up the top half may not be the best plan for me. The older I get the more averse to pain I become.

Cheers all.
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New Member
Dec 22, 2009
Rock I can tell you one moment that stands out in my mind all the time and I'll never forget. I went to a domestic violence call once and when I got to the house an older gentleman and his 21 year old son were standing in the front yard. Both of them looked like they had been hit by a truck. They said that they had been fighting with the mans youngest son, 18 years old, and that he was still in the house and they thought he might have a pistol in the house. I went in and called his name several times while I stood near the front door in case I needed to make a quick exit. Finally the kid comes around the corner and he's holding a jacket in both hands in front of him. I yelled for him to drop what he had in his hands three or four times before I finally stuck my pistol pretty much in his face. He refused to drop what he had and I had already been told that he might be armed and why else wouldn't he drop it if it were just a jacket. The kid began to raise his hands towards me and you could tell that he had something under the jacket. Well my H&K service pistol has a 5 pound trigger pull and by now I have about 3 pounds of pressure on the trigger. This kid is literally 2 pounds of trigger pull away from meeting his maker and he finally drops everything in his hands. Under the jacket was a pistol alright, a stinkin toy starter pistol. I almost killed a 18 year old kid for pulling a toy gun on me. I probably would have been totally justified if I had killed him because it definitely looked real enough but I would have had a hard time living with myself if I had. I wouldn't hesitate to defend myself with the deadly force thats part of the job and I've actually had to use it and dont' regret it because the circumstances dictated that I use it but this one incident with the 18 year old kid stays in the back of my mind always.



New Member
Dec 22, 2009
Oh, and thanks turtle for the ups brother. I've also carried the MP mos in the army and you are right about one thing. They are very very different jobs.


May 25, 2008
Rock I can tell you one moment that stands out in my mind all the time and I'll never forget. I went to a domestic violence call once and when I got to the house an older gentleman and his 21 year old son were standing in the front yard. Both of them looked like they had been hit by a truck. They said that they had been fighting with the mans youngest son, 18 years old, and that he was still in the house and they thought he might have a pistol in the house. I went in and called his name several times while I stood near the front door in case I needed to make a quick exit. Finally the kid comes around the corner and he's holding a jacket in both hands in front of him. I yelled for him to drop what he had in his hands three or four times before I finally stuck my pistol pretty much in his face. He refused to drop what he had and I had already been told that he might be armed and why else wouldn't he drop it if it were just a jacket. The kid began to raise his hands towards me and you could tell that he had something under the jacket. Well my H&K service pistol has a 5 pound trigger pull and by now I have about 3 pounds of pressure on the trigger. This kid is literally 2 pounds of trigger pull away from meeting his maker and he finally drops everything in his hands. Under the jacket was a pistol alright, a stinkin toy starter pistol. I almost killed a 18 year old kid for pulling a toy gun on me. I probably would have been totally justified if I had killed him because it definitely looked real enough but I would have had a hard time living with myself if I had. I wouldn't hesitate to defend myself with the deadly force thats part of the job and I've actually had to use it and dont' regret it because the circumstances dictated that I use it but this one incident with the 18 year old kid stays in the back of my mind always.

Scary stuff. Just glad to hear every one made it home.

Was thinking about this thread. Yesterday I drive past some road work. The cop is standing there. He looked hot and board. I do the wave thing and he half heartedly grinned and waved back. What was cool was I always assumed the local peace officers (New England) Didn't want to bother with me for motorized bicycle riding. Just a lot cooler to know or now assume that they are just being cool about it. I really doubt they know the tiny lil portion of the MC code that deals with motorbikes. I always wondered what was going threw their minds. Good to have a Cops perspective.

Bank ST in New London ct is the proverbial water front, sleezy bar section of town, well was back then. I forget his name but this beat Cop used to go into each bar and do a "safety inspection" When the barmaids would see him walk in they would poor a shot of brandy and go in to the office, store room or where ever. He would take out his flash light and go "inspect" that room. After he left, she would go collect the empty shot glass. One day a buddy of his was making fun of him for doing this and saying he should kick his butt. The Officer replyed; "Yea, but I have a gun and am closer to the door" The whole bar cracked up. There were some real bad folks who hung out around there but absolutely every one called him Sir or officer. He used to say "Most folks are mostly good" Which really is a great thought.

Thinking about it now, I met way more Peace officers then "Barnys"


New Member
Dec 22, 2009
I love hearing about good experiences that people have had with the cops for a change. I guess we mostly hear about the run ins or bad experiences people have had because they tend to never forget those more often. I guess.


May 25, 2008
thats the thing. If you run in to 110 great and fun folks, I only remember the bad guy who gave me the finger in traffic. Human nature I guess. Way harder in your trade I would think


May 25, 2008
Side note, I have to start a thread about why I love CT Cops and laws, Really is cool here. (the cops here really do just laugh or smirk at me) Great place to live. Winter sucks though!


New Member
Mar 20, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
Rock I can tell you one moment that stands out in my mind all the time and I'll never forget. I went to a domestic violence call once and when I got to the house an older gentleman and his 21 year old son were standing in the front yard. Both of them looked like they had been hit by a truck. They said that they had been fighting with the mans youngest son, 18 years old, and that he was still in the house and they thought he might have a pistol in the house. I went in and called his name several times while I stood near the front door in case I needed to make a quick exit. Finally the kid comes around the corner and he's holding a jacket in both hands in front of him. I yelled for him to drop what he had in his hands three or four times before I finally stuck my pistol pretty much in his face. He refused to drop what he had and I had already been told that he might be armed and why else wouldn't he drop it if it were just a jacket. The kid began to raise his hands towards me and you could tell that he had something under the jacket. Well my H&K service pistol has a 5 pound trigger pull and by now I have about 3 pounds of pressure on the trigger. This kid is literally 2 pounds of trigger pull away from meeting his maker and he finally drops everything in his hands. Under the jacket was a pistol alright, a stinkin toy starter pistol. I almost killed a 18 year old kid for pulling a toy gun on me. I probably would have been totally justified if I had killed him because it definitely looked real enough but I would have had a hard time living with myself if I had. I wouldn't hesitate to defend myself with the deadly force thats part of the job and I've actually had to use it and dont' regret it because the circumstances dictated that I use it but this one incident with the 18 year old kid stays in the back of my mind always.


If you give me his address I'll go over and kick him in the nuts three or four times.

Maybe five or six times just to make sure he doesn't reproduce.

Thanks for your service, hambro.

We appreciate people like you.



May 25, 2008

If you give me his address I'll go over and kick him in the nuts three or four times.

Maybe five or six times just to make sure he doesn't reproduce.

Thanks for your service, hambro.

We appreciate people like you.

I second that RH!

(And I wear steal toed hiking boots, snork)



New Member
Dec 22, 2009
Thanks guys, I'm pretty sure he was more affected by the incident than I was. After it was all over with he finally realized that he almost died for being very very very stupid. We have had absolutely no problems out of that guy since then. But let me tell you what happened yesterday. We had a guy fight with his buddy across the river in Georgia while they were riding down the road in his expedition. His girlfriend is driving, he's in the back seat and his buddy is in the front passenger seat. His girlfiend says they were all just driving around talking and out of nowhere he reached into the back of the expedition and retrieves an AK-47 and shoots his buddy right in the back of the head while riding down the road. He pulls the body into the back seat, he climbs into the front seat and tells his girl to take him over into our county. Once out in our county his girl freaks out and decides to bail at an intersection, he shoots four times through the drivers door at her but misses. He then jumps into the drivers seat and takes the wheel. We get a call from her telling us what he did and we find him and the pursuit is on. One of our deputies uses his car and pushes his truck down a cliff where we all run down and drag him out of the back of the truck and he begins to fight. Well, after a few kicks to the face and some pepper spray he's in custody. It was all about an argument they had over ten dollars worth of methamphetamine. Go fiigure.


New Member
May 31, 2009
you know that sorta stuff never happend when owr respective goverments kept the people busy with lsd and good hash


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Hambro, as I said before it isn't all tickets and speed traps.
One person died and another one almost did and the perp should have but he survived a trip down a cliff and wanted to fight.
Good thing he didn't find his gun.

All for a lousy $10.



New Member
Dec 22, 2009
Unfortunately? If he had found his gun he'd be dead right now and tax payers wouldn't be footing the bill for his care until he's put to death. I sorta wish he'd have come out of the truck with it, lol, seriously. Oh and furament, not knockin your comment dude but ever heard of Charles Manson? Lol.

turtle tedd

Jul 18, 2009
Next time ,empty one mag into him, reload, then approach the vehicle...pistols are no match for a rifle..you know that....be careful man , luck and big balls will not always bring you home


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Hambro, that is the truth. My wife said that they had a double cop killer and he was caught in a corn field, on his knees, begging for mercy, and nobody had a drop gun so he went to trial. That was a $1,000,000 hit for the state before he was put away.

Worked for an auctioneer in upstate NY who had a police officer friend in NY city who used to take all the hand guns we found when we were cleaning out houses and nobody wanted them. Guess he had a way to get rid of them.
