2 the guy who is up his own

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New Member
Mar 22, 2008
Tampa Bay Florida
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

I first heard of his stuff on his local craigslist ads.

From reading his ads I thought he either did not know how to put on a sprocket or was just trying to sell stuff.

In my sprocket installing days I learned the wheel needs to be trued and correctly dished before and after the sprocket is bolted on for best service.

Is there a thread anywhere that shows this ? usflg
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Jul 17, 2008
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

These bicycle engine projects are not necessarily simple as we think they are for the mere fact that each and every one can be considered a custom job. I mean there is no such thing as a 1 size fits all kit as there are differences in every bike style not to mention the slight differences in the design of these chinese engines from the 3 manufacturers that make them (that I am aware of). It stands to reason then that we as the end user are going to have to deal with unexpected issues as we build our bikes.

Having said this think about the person who makes custom parts for us. S/He may make a part that works perfectly for most engines and bicycle styles but when we come across something that isn't standard and that part won't fit or work or whatever it takes a lot of time and effort to rectify it, maybe more time and effort than it's worth for a business to want to deal with.

That's what I was thinking about when I wrote my last post. I'm not making any excuses for someone who is trying to scam someone out of their money but it's too easy for that 1 person who expects that part to work and it doesn't or has some mix up of some sort to feel that since s/he screwed that the vendor does nothing but scam or screw people.

I know my next bike project will require at least 80% custom parts to make it what I want which means I'm going to have to machine all those parts and whatnot myself.


New Member
Apr 8, 2010
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

My two cents about pain in the butt customers... I do machine quilting, average turn around time in this area is 6 to 8 weeks, I turn quilts around in 2 weeks. I have a decent customer base because of my service. I had to learn to turn work away, I use to take everything that came through the door, but some projects I know I can't make like the customer wants so I politely decline. I have also screwed up delivery times, my thread vendor sometimes has my colors back order, same with other materials I may need, so my two weeks turns into 4. Most of my clients are regulars and understand this.

I can see the other side of a small operation trying to keep up with growing demand. I can't excuse bad service, and word of mouth is powerful, but name calling gets nothing accomplished. I do think honest reviews are good.

If a dude makes a custom part I want for a decent price, but it is well known that it will take a month for me to get. At least I have all the facts and I would be happy as **** that the producer doesn't apply basic supply and demand pricing...If he can't keep up with demand at current prices he ups the price to diminish demand and make more money.


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

Wonder if that round sticker is the right size for the clutch cover lol

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

Ferball Makes a good point. As a Mechanic and tradesman I have seen my share of similar stuff.


New Member
Mar 22, 2008
Tampa Bay Florida
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

. Sounds to me like you guys are trying to talk me out of a job.
this is my job and the forum is a joke. im with bairdco, THIS IS NOT MYSPACE. my 15 year old sister has less drama then you guys. so you guys can get as pissed as you want.
This was a nice hobby.
It still is !

Blame eBay !

You click on the purchase, pay with paypal , they send a tracking # and the stuff comes fast and right or they get a negative feedback and paypal refunds your money !

I deal with this place on eBay.

eBay My World - buildyourbike

They are so fast and look at their feedback !

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New Member
Jun 1, 2009
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

My two cents as a customer service rep (I deal with unruly pricks all the time) . My two cents says yes sometimes people can be to demanding. That is not the case with what I've witnessed. I have witnessed people being very patient with MM and him be very rude to them. I have seen people try to contact him and he just never gets around to responding, then they start getting impatient, and by the time he responds he is just a dick about it. Poor Customer service, maybe that will be different that he's working through pirate, but still c'mon guy you don't act like an ass when your the one not comming through, its just rude.
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Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

I had read the posts before they where deleted and the banned member did report it and I guess the "MOD" read the report and in pms called the guy all sorts of rude names and banned him its that simple? But I dont want to bring down the GOOD vibe of this thread so I wont post in it anymore. Peace

It's a two way street, perhaps you'd like to see the PM he (jim) sent me? Or maybe you like to see the world class name calling that his buddy gene fiorot sends to others?
Then maybe you'd have a different perspective?

All I can say at this point is if you guys want to pay money for promises, and get what you get, when ever he feels like sending it to you- more power to you. Custom parts are not the end all, and if you think no one but jim can make them, then you are sadly mistaken.
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Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

The bottom line is this- Jim started out promoting products he didn't (couldn't) deliver, then get's mad when some one calls him on it. He also sent out a bunch of clutch actuators that didn't work worth a crap, and when he was sent constructive criticism, he got miffed and told us we didn't have a clue. He ruined his own reputation here on the forum, it was not the doing of ANYONE else.

You guys who are willing to listen to BS and "get your parts when he is good and ready to send them" should keep on buying from him. All I did was try to let people know he was not the most up and up businessman, and his actions have proven it.

He has sent me numerous derogatory PM's saying things like "You don't know anything about machining or running a business"- both of which I DO know a thing or two about. He also told me "If you want to side with the common bas-tard, then go ahead, there are a lot of morons and idiot here on the forums".

Do you guys really want to line a guys pockets who thinks the average forum user is a complete dolt and a "common bas-tard"?

If you don't like the truth, then go away.
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New Member
Jul 22, 2009
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

How about a happy medium. If you don't like it don't buy from him but DON'T try to totally screw up the ability for those of us who have gotten good service and love our parts to be able to do business with Jim.


New Member
Mar 22, 2008
Tampa Bay Florida
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

How about a happy medium. If you don't like it don't buy from him but DON'T try to totally screw up the ability for those of us who have gotten good service and love our parts to be able to do business with Jim.
What ? He won't take your money now ?

You are afraid he won't take your money because of something Bikeguy Joe said ?

You are afraid he will take your money but will delay your parts shipment because of something Bikeguy Joe said ?

MM is like the soup Nazi ? No soup for you ! ! ! :)


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Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

There are other sprocket adapters out there, and they were out there before the MM units were available. Motor mounts too, and what ever happened to calling your local machinist for some "custom" parts"?

At least your local guy can look you in the eye...


New Member
Jul 29, 2008
West Point PA.
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

What ? He won't take your money now ?

You are afraid he won't take your money because of something Bikeguy Joe said ?

You are afraid he will take your money but will delay your parts shipment because of something Bikeguy Joe said ?

MM is like the soup Nazi ? No soup for you ! ! ! :)



Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

Finally, I am done on this subject, you guys are adults and can make your own decisions as to whether you want to deal with a PT Barnum (there's a sucker born every minute), or find an alternative solution to a (partly) imaginary problem.

The rag joint is not that difficult to mount right, and anyone can cobble up a "custom" motor mount, intake, or anything else you have a mind to do.


Jul 17, 2008
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

Well, we can't please everyone. Nobody is forcing anyone to use this or any other forum but most of us get good use out of it and most of us feel like we have something positive to offer others who need help. To me that's what counts. Personally I haven't done any business with Jim at Manic Mechanics so I have no comment about his business practices or the products he makes but I'm definitely not going to let the dramatic ramblings of some disgruntled customer detract me from doing business with him if I want to. I've read far more positive comments about Jim and his products than negative. Long live the power of the forums.

As I stated before these bicycle projects vary in style combined with the sight differences in the engine design from the different manufacturers in China make it almost impossible to get a custom product to work for everyone to make us all happy. Just too many variables. It ultimately comes down to us to be creative and crafty to get our bikes to work the way we want them to. If someone is not up to that then it's much wiser for them to buy an already built bike from a dealer.

As for custom parts go if you really need something made you can always find a local machinist to make it for you if you need it that bad.
Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
re: 2 the guy who is up his own

Finally, I am done on this subject, you guys are adults and can make your own decisions as to whether you want to deal with a PT Barnum (there's a sucker born every minute), or find an alternative solution to a (partly) imaginary problem.

The rag joint is not that difficult to mount right, and anyone can cobble up a "custom" motor mount, intake, or anything else you have a mind to do.
PT barnum...yes

He was once confronted by a homely woman with a sour attitude...She announced, before the crowd..."You sir are a drunk".

PT replied: "yes that may be a fact; but in the morning I'll be sober, and you madam will still be ugly".

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