Being invited out is a PAIN!

Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand
There are some chaps who build cyclekarts who have invited me to go to the Roycroft Trophy Races (see poster below). They will be bringing along their cars and I started to wonder if I'd have enough of the Colombe velocar completed in time to take along with me. More than likely my daughter would let me borrow her car and apparently the race track is close at hand, but far enough away from nasty cities so I won't have to worry about traffic lights, roundabouts and rabid car drivers.

Then I found out about the bit where they're encouraging folk to wear period costume. Should be no problem I thought and went to look for my cloche hat. In actual fact it's a modern interpretation on a cloche hat, but it is very nice and it's been my posh hat ever since i first started working as a social worker last century. In fact I bought it with one of my first pays and it was a solid standby for posh occasions as well as funerals.
Only when I went to look for it in my wardrobe it wasn't there. On racking my brains I had to admit to myself that I hadn't seen it for a long while, - possibly not since I was packing up everything to move here to the Hauraki District.


Nothing for it, I have to face the fact that I've lost my posh hat during the move. BOTHER!

Trying to find a replacement in my size was completely fruitless because a decent cloche hat isn't cheap, Chaps don't realise how difficult it is to dress up posh, especially retro posh which is the only way to dress posh in my book.

I went to look for my proper posh shoes (I only got one pair), remembering that I'd loaned then to my daughter to go somewhere or another that her generation likes to go. More horrors, - I don't know what she did to them, but nothing short of emergency surgery under the hands of a skilled cobbler is going to save them.
Trouble is the only cobbler in the area shut his doors long ago.
You gentlemen think you've got it bad with sons wanting to borrow the car, - well daughters want to borrow shoes which is an even worse disaster!

I wonder if I can dress as a man?

Hum........... no that's a silly idea.

Wot about the cheese cutter cap and aviators goggles thing. Nice jumper and long skirt with a jacket. Boots? - yes I have boots, - need a clean though.

Perhaps I can say I gotta go to Greenland urgently, - so sorry I can't go racing with you chaps.

Being invited out is a pain :(


Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand
So I found myself a more ladylike pair of boots to wear which will save me having to clean up my gardening boots. I still don't like being winkled out of my little cottage and away from my workshop though..... Only I've been tempted out with promises of interesting old sports cars and vintage motorcycles and I simply can't go turning those down.

I do wonder though if I can finish building my Colombe cyclecar replica in time for the race meeting, Provided I don't mess about and let myself get distracted I think it might be possible.

I'm still annoyed about my cloche hat though :(
It's difficult to be an intrepid wheelwoman without a cloche hat.....



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2013
Have fun & take lots of pictures for us vicarious folks!!

(Hmmm.....awefully big, fluffy word for this time of day....:D)

Ludwig II

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2012
I live with a three wardrobe nudist. Whereever we go, "I haven't got anything to wear!"

Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand
Makes note to take camera and make sure battery is charged. Makes another note to make sure memory card is in the camera.

I live with a three wardrobe nudist. Whereever we go, "I haven't got anything to wear!"
Ludwig, for sometime now I've worked on the principle that if I haven't worn something for a year off to the Sally Army it goes. The only exceptions are my good wool coat and a formal business type suit just in case I need to dress up for something special. And my motorcycle gear even though I don't have a big motorbike anymore.
I'm actually about to do another wardrobe purge which should leave me with a half empty wardrobe. Strange as it might seem I quite like having a minimalist quantity of clothes.

Still annoyed about my hat though...... Grrrrrr


Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
I'm glad you posted a pic of a 'cloche' hat. "Cause I wouldn't a known what it was otherwise.

"Posh" is the right word for it, isn't it? I'm reminded of Eliza Doolittle, and Henry Higgins' social peers, at the races.


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
Pity nobody still makes the motoring hoods with the mica window in front. I wish I could go. I'd love a closer look at the Cycle Karts. I hope you will have much fun anyway. Very nice Cloche, by the way. They look rather good in black.

Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand
Pity nobody still makes the motoring hoods with the mica window in front. I wish I could go. I'd love a closer look at the Cycle Karts. I hope you will have much fun anyway. Very nice Cloche, by the way. They look rather good in black.
Allen, - Since I tend to be a bit shy about meeting new people I wish they still made those motoring hoods with the mica window too.

Here are some WIP pictures of the 1930's ERA based cyclecar that the chap who invited me to the races owns.
The 1950's Standard 10 that can be seen beside the garage is used for classic saloon car racing and will be used in anger on the race day.


Ludwig II

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2012
Standard 10 - anger - no - reapply -error.

You are talking about a vehicle that was regarded as being a drab little pudding in the 1950s; what, short of parachuting it out of a Hercules, could you do to make it exciting? Dynamite?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
this put a smile on my face this morning, thank you for sharing and I personally cannot wait to see and here more