Motor Bicycle Summer Camp (for boys who never grew up)


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
I'm happy to report that Motor Bicycle Summer Camp (for boys who never grew up) is finally in session here in northeastern Minnesota. Fasteddy (Steve) arrived from British Columbia about a week ago and while enjoying the great north woods we are also focused on two builds. One is in finishing up the basic conversion of my Hiawatha from bicycle mode to tri-car mode. It being convertible in that way was part of the original design and now the tri-car aspect is almost done. The link to that build is here...

The other build is in the early stages and is the conversion of a 1963 Schwinn American Deluxe step through frame into a fairly heavy duty trike utilizing two modes of power... an early Golden Motors pancake electric front wheel and at the rear parts from a late forties or early 50's British Atco reel type lawn mower. It's engine is a Villiars midget, a 98cc cast iron two stroke with a foot start and dog clutch. The rear axle will be from a salvaged riding mower and has a differential to allow for power to both rear wheels. The link to that thread is here...

Summer camp this year is also about bar of soap swims in the fresh water lake near by, good food with an occasional cold beer and in mid August a trip to the east coast to visit our respective families... Steve's son in Vermont and my daughter and grand kids in Maryland. Adventures along the way will include a visit with Tinsmith and maybe a couple of other forum members. We hope so.
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The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
As a wind up of Summer Camp a cross country trip is planned to the east coast. I sent out an itinerary to those who may choose to be gone when we show up at the door.

"Jul 25 at 10:30 PM
My friend Steve and I are planning to leave Minnesota for the east coast on August 21. Arrival in Maryland would be on the 23rd. We're traveling in a camper and one of us can drive while the other sleeps. Steve will likely rest up on the 24th and then leave for southern Vermont to visit his son, Dave. Dave will be leaving this fall for a motorcycle trip to and through South America over an undetermined period of time. What an adventure!

While Steve is in Vermont I'll remain in Maryland catching up some with my friend Christine where I spent several winters as a caretaker and packing up some things from my Spartan travel trailer. I'm hoping to connect with Dan (Tinsmith) and hope as well to visit my daughter Kate and family at her new home near Baltimore. Christine has offered to drive me there as she is anxious to see my grand children Seamus and Mary and if lucky the new baby (not due quite yet). If not a visit there then I hope that Kate & family can visit the property at Christine's. I so much want to see everyone. A new baby... and I don't have to change any diapers. Perfect!

Steve will be back in Maryland in time for us to leave on the 30th with our first destination to be Davenport, Iowa where it happens that I was born 69 years ago. My grandfather was the head physician there at the time and in keeping with a family tradition established by then he wanted to deliver each of his grandchildren. and I was the last. Davenport being my birthplace is not the reason for going there, however. Each labor day there is the Blackhawk Motorcycle Show over a three or four day weekend. We'd like to see it and meet up with another motorbicycle forum friend, Mr. B. (Keith). We would anticipate being near Davenport on the 1st of September, attending the show on the 2nd and that evening heading out for Minnesota. Homecoming the following day, September 3rd. That will give Steve a few days to catch his breath, rest up a bit and take a few final swims in Eaglesnest Lake 3 before departing on the long trek home to British Columbia, thus ending another fine session of Motor Bicycle Summer Camp (for boys who never grew up)."

We'll report on the trip through this thread and hope to see some forum folks along the way. If any of you are going to the Blackhawk event please check in here so we can meet up over a cup of coffee or other fine beverage.