Finally, a tan spark plug.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
boise, idaho
after 8 jet sizes, broken motor mounts, crappy wiring, etc.
...and countless plug chops...

a whole last summer of frustration...

at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and full throttle...
ALL TAN spark plugs, very little 4 stroking, decent hillclimbing, and still a 25 mph top end with my big butt on it... (260 lbs)

and around 80 mpg, not bad, all considered.

man, when people tell you this isn't a bolt-on project, they ain't kidding.

I've owned my first kit A YEAR now and it is just NOW starting to run right.

the clouds have parted...

'course, now I'll have to make a new project so I have something else to figure out...

I guess I could... Ride the thing?dance1dnutusflg