Motorized Bike Chicago Law


New Member
Apr 30, 2011
Has anyone had any problems with police in Chicago? I know the general rule is 49cc and under, something like not going over 25 mph, and probably some EPA stuff. Is there anything else to look out for?


New Member
Oct 15, 2010
The main reason I've been "pulled over" by a cop (in Chicagoland) was for not being visible enough to traffic. Despite the animosity for the cops, they're usually not out there to get ya all the time. Although I've had this one time a cop trying to interpret the law about "pedicycles;" that time was still because I was not visible enough to traffic. So yeah, they can't possibly prove that your engine is too powerful as long as you keep within a safe speed limit. 25 does sound like a happy medium. Even 20 is fine, as long as you get to where you're going without your bike breaking down. Going fast has it's trade-offs; since bicycles aren't meant to be ridden at motorized speeds, they're going to see some wear-and-tear much quicker at those speeds.

Interesting little anecdote: the cop I mentioned above talking about pedicycles thought he had the upper hand when he brought up the issue of "pedicycles" and having to get a license plate for it. All you need to mention is the fact that a motorized bicycle doesn't have a VIN, therefore any licensing laws regarding "pedicycles" cannot be enforced. He then started making a striking parallel about the infamous case about a person who was riding a lawnmower while under the influence and adding on top of it, "Did he have a VIN?" Me-"No officer." I then looked at him, and he knew that what he just said had nothing to do with how I was supposedly breaking the law. He just waved me off and let me go about my business, telling me to be more visible to traffic. But still I could have saved me that trouble had I had some proper lighting, which I plan to develop with the new hub generator I have coming in the mail. brnot