Friction Drive Help and Tips


Feb 22, 2008
If you are only getting 500 miles out of a back tire and roller, it is because the Roller was not pressed down hard enough against the tire and allowed the roller to slip. It is temping to not press a roller so hard against a tire when you have an underpowered engine since it would seem to help performance of the under powered motor when only very light pressure is used. When the roller slips under light pressure, it can help an underpowered motor get to speed or to its power band quicker or sooner and gives the impression of better power, when all that is going on is roller slippage and excessive tire wear. Make sure your tire is pressured up to be as hard as it can be within its rating. Harder is better, and them put medium to hard pressure between the roller and tire, you should get 1000 miles easy or more from a tire, smooth or knobby type. If you are seeing wear on your tire and or roller in only a few hundred miles, then you can know that you do not have enough pressure between the tire and roller. Most of the time you can feel it slipping if you do not have enough pressure. But.. If you are new to this setup, you may not know what that is or what it feels like. But.. Most can see wear on tire and roller, and if you notice wear after only a few short miles or only a few hundred miles... Then.. Add Pressure.. Enjoy the ride..


Active Member
Jul 31, 2008
el People's Republik de Kalifornistan
Bandito's right, some tires wear out really quickly. I remember my factory Schwinn Typhoons (or what was passing as them) that came with my '06 Alloy Seven wore out within 1000 miles, with a HT and 44T even. The rear didn't make 400 miles, was almost half bald after a few hundred just pedaling before I motorvated it. When I put on the engine(s) and Sun Flame tires, they lasted for over 4 years and over 4000 miles before rear tire was down to ~33%, and that was when I had HTs somewhat figured out and was rocking a 34T. Lots of 30-36MPH on those tires '07-'10. I still have the front Flametread, it's about 66%! :D

I've never had to deal with friction drive, maybe someday soon I will. Looks like a headache or XP points lol
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