trike motor mount


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
in a day or so Im going to put a picture of my latest mess/ I put that ilfan motor in the back of the trike but still left it friction drive on a rear wheel.

Kind of interesting but not very difficult. Still it is the worlds easiest build.


Gutter Rider
May 26, 2011
Left coast

That sounds fun, Deacon!

I'll be watching for that new pic.

...yer gettin in a buncha welding practice aren't you!!!
gonna have some nice beads soon! :)


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Just to be truly weird I removed all the gasoline motors from my trike. I am going to junk them all since they are are junk at the moment. Not their fault I'm sure.

I reinstalled the electric motor and drive wheel onto the trike. So now i junked all my batteries when I went back to gasoline and now I have to decide what to do for power. I would love to pay four hundred bucks for a good lithium battery pack but I just can't bring myself to write that check.

So my first big experiment is based on step two of an ongoing experiment. I have discovered that I can run a 24v battery directly to the motor through a 20amp household light switch without too much risk of melt down. I do have a dead safety built in just in case.

So experiment two is... Since I have a tricycle and can carry more weight, I plan to pick up a couple of used car batteries to see what flooded cells will do. Most likely they will not be very good at all, but I do want to see. After last years experiment with a ton of nimh batteries this will be a simple and inexpensive test before I go back to something else.
I just stuck the emotor into the mount I had used for the gasoline motor so nothing was wasted/ except money
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Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
I would not say that money was wasted. Sometimes you gotta pay to experiment.
If you don't experiment, how will you know what works and what won't?
If you have enjoyed your experimentation then it was money well spent..... at least in my book. :)


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I have to agree or sit in the corner and cry over spilt money. Actually I just bought my first automobile battery last night and am looking for one more so I can experiment with them as well.