censoring thought

Mar 31, 2013
...the censorship on this site sucks, ...i can understand censoring bad language for the sake of young viewers but to have posts deleted that contain legitimate content is oppression, plain and simple.

...when did it become offensive to urge someone to take responsibility for themselves rather to whine?

...children need guidance not coddling.


Desert Rat

New Member
Jul 30, 2012
Apache Junctoin Az
It might help if we knew exactly what thread or post you're referring to.

I don't think that is the issue here, I have posted some very innocuous comments
on threads only to find out they were deleted and I was neither chastised
or informed that my opinion was removed and I am always polite!
that's the problem with to many chiefs and not enough Indians.
Is there only one mod that can remove posts or can all mods do this?
if so it stands to reason that abuse of power is not just for the government:)
Mar 31, 2013
It might help if we knew exactly what thread or post you're referring to.

it's happened more than once since i became a member here but i've also posted this sentiment in the thread where my post urging a member to stop whining and take responsibility for himself was deleted.

apparently we aren't allowed free thought.

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest". -- Thomas Paine



Active Member
May 29, 2012
If the person your deleted comment was aimed at reported it then there's not much that can be done. The mods are just trying to keep the peace. I should know,I've said enough in threads and PMs to the mods to be kicked from this site. Go over to the darkside and make threads like this one,see how long you last.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
it's happened more than once since i became a member here but i've also posted this sentiment in the thread where my post urging a member to stop whining and take responsibility for himself was deleted.

apparently we aren't allowed free thought.

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest". -- Thomas Paine

I have PMed you with information about that post and why it was removed. This isn't a democracy. It is a privately owned website with rules set down by the owner that will be enforced. Any staff member can delete a thread or post and can edit them as he sees necessary to that goal.

As far as having posts removed without explanation, maybe simply taking a look at what you type and putting yourself into the shoes of the person reading it you might understand how inflammatory and condescending your words might appear to others.

Your intensions might have seemed benign, even innocent to you but unfortunately others can only read the text and take it as it appears to them. What you consider 'advice' might easily come across as a personal affront to someone else.

Respect other members. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Mar 31, 2013
I have PMed you with information about that post and why it was removed. This isn't a democracy. It is a privately owned website with rules set down by the owner that will be enforced. Any staff member can delete a thread or post and can edit them as he sees necessary to that goal.

As far as having posts removed without explanation, maybe simply taking a look at what you type and putting yourself into the shoes of the person reading it you might understand how inflammatory and condescending your words might appear to others.

Your intensions might have seemed benign, even innocent to you but unfortunately others can only read the text and take it as it appears to them. What you consider 'advice' might easily come across as a personal affront to someone else.

Respect other members. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
coddling people and protecting them from honest discourse only serves to weaken them.

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest". -- Thomas Paine

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

~ Samuel Adams


Desert Rat

New Member
Jul 30, 2012
Apache Junctoin Az
And yet isn't removing someones post without informing them some what
disrespectful ?
and when you post a snorky comment in a post labeled snork and it's deleted
isn't that somewhat self defeating?
and when the owner paul has no problem with a post and you do and remove it.
isn't that somewhat disrespectful of Paul?
so just what is YOUR definition of being disrespectful ?
and yes I understand this is a privately owned site, but are you the owner or Paul?

I have PMed you with information about that post and why it was removed. This isn't a democracy. It is a privately owned website with rules set down by the owner that will be enforced. Any staff member can delete a thread or post and can edit them as he sees necessary to that goal.

As far as having posts removed without explanation, maybe simply taking a look at what you type and putting yourself into the shoes of the person reading it you might understand how inflammatory and condescending your words might appear to others.

Your intensions might have seemed benign, even innocent to you but unfortunately others can only read the text and take it as it appears to them. What you consider 'advice' might easily come across as a personal affront to someone else.

Respect other members. Disrespect will not be tolerated.
Mar 31, 2013
If the person your deleted comment was aimed at reported it then there's not much that can be done. The mods are just trying to keep the peace. I should know,I've said enough in threads and PMs to the mods to be kicked from this site. Go over to the darkside and make threads like this one,see how long you last.
...so if i report this post of yours as offensive to me the moderators MUST remove it?

...and i've not said ANYTHING offensive to anyone, but as a grandparent i know that whining can become a habit.

...in the past and on other forums i have urged others to stand like adults and take responsibility for fixing the problems that they faced rather than just complaining about them and in some cases my words have been taken as offensive while in most cases my intent was recognized and appreciated.

...in this hobby many of us are alone in the real world so the only help we can receive is through the kindness of those members willing to share their knowledge and encouragement.

...which simply means that in most cases we must take the advise that is given and take from it what we can and when someone from some other country offers advise that isn't the complete answer for our situation we have to be able to stand like adults and find the rest of the answers ourselves.

...for example, if i tell you you can get a part you need at "Joes Lawnmower Repair" in my hometown, it's up to YOU to be smart enough to check any lawnmower repair shops in YOUR town rather than whining that there is no 'Joes Lawnmower Repair" in your town.

...so i was NOT disrespecting ANYONE, i was urging another noob to take charge for finding his solutions rather than whine about the quality of the advise he'd received.

Mar 31, 2013
I thought this forum was for discussing topics related to motorized bicycles....

There is a couple old sayings that I would say applies nicely here,

" Some things are better left without saying''

" If you don't have something nice to say then dont say anything at all"

It is so amazing to me how some people have the thinking that they some how have the liberty (freedom) to put others down, or stir up issues that will likely be taken as a negative, it's as if their freedom is some how superior to the freedom of others to speak there opinions.

Freedom and liberty are only equal between people if those freedoms are governed by some rules, law and regulation, there can be no liberty and freedom for all if one opinion is allowed to dictate ____________.

As Tom has made it clear and most of us understand, this forum is not a majority rule situation, this is a moderated/managed meeting place of many people with many common interest, with the primary discussion on motorized bicycles in many makes and forms, this is not a place for people to be imposing there personal opinions of someones intentions or being judgmental in a way that can be seen as a personal attack on someones intent, personality or anything else for that matter.

The moderators on this forum are here to nip any abrasive matter in the bud so that this forum stays on topic and we dont end up with a bunch of child like mud slinging going on.

Plenty of places on the net to post opinions about everything under the sun but this ain't it.

Thank you Tom and to all the Moderators for keeping things under control and making this the best place on earth to talk about our bikes and all things related to them.

...life is abrasive my man, that's how we grow as humans.

frankly, i think i'm gonna start searching for another forum that allows free speach.

...i may still lurk and utilize the knowledge base but i have no desire to participate in a community that won't allow me to think for myself.


btw, i find your post and the assumptions it contains offensive but i'd not wish it to be deleted. ...free speech means tolerating even what we don't like.

Desert Rat

New Member
Jul 30, 2012
Apache Junctoin Az
These are my last thoughts on this issue and they are more in jest than anything else:)

(" Some things are better left without saying''

" If you don't have something nice to say then dont say anything at all")
words every president lives by LOL

Freedom and liberty are only equal between people if those freedoms are governed by some rules, law and regulation, there can be no liberty and freedom for all if one opinion is allowed to dictate ____________.

So a mods opinion is 1 persons opinion and that dictates policy ROFL

I am not putting anyone down, but if that is your perception, does that make you right and me wrong?

and If I'm putting you down because I have a different opinion than you,
does that mean you are putting me down for the same thing? LOL

In an adult world full of adults when is childish behavior acceptable?

My 2 cents worth and thanks for the laugh, oh oh, now I'm being disrespectful
because my opinion varies from yours! ROFL

I thought this forum was for discussing topics related to motorized bicycles....

There is a couple old sayings that I would say applies nicely here,

" Some things are better left without saying''

" If you don't have something nice to say then dont say anything at all"

It is so amazing to me how some people have the thinking that they some how have the liberty (freedom) to put others down, or stir up issues that will likely be taken as a negative, it's as if their freedom is some how superior to the freedom of others to speak there opinions.

Freedom and liberty are only equal between people if those freedoms are governed by some rules, law and regulation, there can be no liberty and freedom for all if one opinion is allowed to dictate ____________.

As Tom has made it clear and most of us understand, this forum is not a majority rule situation, this is a moderated/managed meeting place of many people with many common interest, with the primary discussion on motorized bicycles in many makes and forms, this is not a place for people to be imposing there personal opinions of someones intentions or being judgmental in a way that can be seen as a personal attack on someones intent, personality or anything else for that matter.

The moderators on this forum are here to nip any abrasive matter in the bud so that this forum stays on topic and we dont end up with a bunch of child like mud slinging going on.

Plenty of places on the net to post opinions about everything under the sun but this ain't it.

Thank you Tom and to all the Moderators for keeping things under control and making this the best place on earth to talk about our bikes and all things related to them.


Desert Rat

New Member
Jul 30, 2012
Apache Junctoin Az
As Charlie Brown would say, "Good Grief" :(

LOL see what you started Tom, if you'd left it alone it probably would have died
I was just waiting for a mod to jump in otherwise I never would have responded

I just love stirring the cesspool LOL :)

Oh and generically I agree with your comments!

Desert Rat

New Member
Jul 30, 2012
Apache Junctoin Az
Oh and one more thought! you said
I thought this forum was for discussing topics related to motorized bicycles....

and yet the forum clearly states
The Tavern
Kick off your shoes and sit back with your favorite beverage and enjoy talking about whatever you like.