Longest ride?


Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
What's the longest ride you've taken?

My longest was nearly 100 miles, give or take.

I pedaled and coasted and when I was running it, I wasn't going hard.

It took around 6 hours.

On the bike I have now (see my avatar) I do regular "one tank trips" @ 50 miles or so each. It's a lot easier to pedal home.


New Member
Jan 30, 2008
Hurricane Utah
I've only gone about 20mi at a time. It is hard to ride in the city, no one will give you a right of way so I only ride in a safe place. My pales and I are going to do some rides around Palos Verde's this summer. Have fun, Dave


New Member
Feb 1, 2008
Hey everyone, hopefully not jacking you're thread, but if possible can you also post what you're setups are.
I'm curious to buy two kits, a buddy and I like to ride out to lakes during the summer and I'd like to know how some of these engines take the beating.
Our last ride was about 55km, all pedaling, so being assisted this year would be a major plus. I'm just worried more about failure.
So please post you're setups as well so readers can get a better idea of how these distances are achieved, time, stoppages, running hot etc?
Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
hi emerica and welcome to the forum. the threads are for everyone to ask whatever they like. my longest ride was a tank of gas a little over 65 miles. i have a 70cc chineese 2 stroke and rode it hard the whole time with one break for lunch. i think with these motors if you use the proper fuel oil mixture and keep the bolts and stuff tight they are pretty industructable. i have it mounted on a schwinn jaguar cruiser
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New Member
Jan 29, 2008
Shelby MI
I have done almost 50 miles with my 48cc Spitfire on a Kustom Cruiser Deuce around Pentwater and Bass lake (Cruiser, if you make it up this way I would reccomend this ride). My problem is that my seat starts to get really hard after around 10 miles. I have the one gallon tank and the bike will go alot further than I can stand to sit...Kelly
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
i would like when summer gets here to load in the truck and come up and ride with you. i am yet to see another motor bicycle anywhere but pictures. i spent around 50.00 for a good seat and it makes the ride so much better. i also added a suspension post but don't think they are worth the money. seat yes worth every penny. i use the bike during summer for work and store. pretty much park the truck. last summer i went from filling the truck twice a week with gas to filling it every couple weeks. money saved on gas alone pays for these motorized bicycles over and over again and fixing them the way you want to is priceless as far as i am concerened
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Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
I used to have two different thatsdax 70cc frame mount kits, like most of the guys have here. I got mine from ebay for under 200 dollas U.S. shipping included. The one I have now is a 1979 or 80 TAS Spitz. It's basicly a weedwacker engine with a roller that runs on the front wheel....slow, but indestructable.

The frame mount types are pretty reliable, I did do some major long rides with them both and the only thing I had any trouble with was the gears started to whine, so I had to stop at an auto parts store and buy an oulandishly priced packet of grease for 99 cents and popped the cover off and greased the gears.

I WOULD suggest that everyone make up a small tool bag to mount somewhere. Screw driver (one each) pair of visegrips, maybe a tire patch kit, but that's no good unless you have a pump as well.
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New Member
Jan 30, 2008
Hurricane Utah
I WOULD suggest that everyone make up a small tool bag to mount somewhere. Screw driver (one each) pair of visegrips, maybe a tire patch kit, but that's no good unless you have a pump as well.
Interesting note, you don't have to carry a pump. There is a pump that you put in the spark plug hole and turn the engine over, the only problem is that these bikes need to move the rear wheel to turn the engine over, I lean the bike over on the stand and push the pedals through to start mine, you could do the same for the piston pump, but only for the front wheel. See the pump at JC Whitney. Have fun Dave
PS: you can see the adapters for all the different plug types. I found this in the tool kit to my Bultaco Matador. If you have a pull start you can use this.


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Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
I nearly forgot about my old friends at JCW....I used to read that catalog as a "wish book" when I was a kid.

I have delt with them, and never had a problem either. Most of the stuff comes from China, but what doesn't these days? They were just ahead of their time 20 years ago!
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Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
My longest ride was about 140miles. From Tucson To Santa Ana Sonora, Mexico. Took about 11 hours one flat tire and a broken throttle cable, which I had to rig on the side of the road and ran the last twenty or so miles using the throttle cable as a pull string to work the gas.
Had a guy in the town of Magdalena make a right turn right in front of me. I hit is pass. side door and put a huge dent. He just waved at me and drove off. Ran into a Mexico policia who told me I wasnt allowed to ride on the highways, but there is no other way to get there but the highway so I waited for him to leave and I went on my way.
Whenever I would come to a stop, a huge crowd would come and surround me asking questions about my MB. They all asked the same thing, "Where do I get one". There is a huge market in Mexico for MB's.
I will be doing this ride again in July 24 . I race a off-road rally race there every year, and I also have family there.
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minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Very cool.... I am doing a blog on an fictional road trip, you should be doing it instead. I would love to make the trip I am writing about.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
that is one heck of a trip. i would love to do something like that with a couple people and bring lots of extra parts :D
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Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
Scootover was asking about the longest ride, and since I have nothing to do but sit in front of the tube I thought I would go into more detail about my trip to Mexico. I'm not very good at putting my thought's into word's...sooo..here I go.

It was a Friday morning of July 26 or 25 of 2007 at 4:30 in the morning, still dark out. Me and my friend Alex got all our gear ready the day before. Did all we could to our bike's. Switched our tank's out for bigger motorcycle tank's that looked a bit silly but oh well that was the last thing on my mind. I was on my cruiser and Alex on my double suspension bike.

We both had back- pack's with food and water and cell phone's and other stuff. If you want detail of what we took I would be more then happy to tell you at a later time. I was pulling a trailer with fuel, water, tube's, pump, tools, ect.

We left from the west side of Tucson near Speedway and Silverbell south down Silverbell until it turned into Mission Rd. All the way down Mission to the town of Green Valley about 25 miles from Tucson. Took the frontage road from Green Valley along side I-19. Had to go on the highway on I-19 in a few place's. Only stopped at the rest stop between Green Valley and Nogalas.

Arrive in Nogalas,AZ so far about 61miles from Tucson. Got a bite to eat and topped off our fuel and water. Took Mariposa Rd. west of town that take's you to the truck crossing (Semi). It's much faster and avoid's the downtown crossing which is away's busy and much less traffic.

Coming to the border crossing got nurvous that we would not be allowed with our bike's across the border. Nobody thier...no stop sighn....no one to stop us....WELCOME TO MEXICO the sighn said.

Now in Nogalas, Mexico, don't know the name of the road but do know just stay on same road and it will take you right to Mexico highway 15D, that will go straight to Santa Ana. Look out for the driver's!!! They don't drive the same in Mexico like here in the State's.

Made it to 15D, allright we are really on our way now. Ooopppsss, forgot about "El 21" Mexico border checkpoint at kilometer 21. That's right have to fight the line's and get permission for us and our bike's. In line for about an hour making copies after copies of birth certificate, drivers licens, ect. Finally get to the window, a beautiful girl then tell's me "oh!, you dont need permission, you can go all the way to Guaymas before you need pemit's" Dang it!! Why is it everytime I come to Mexico they change something, apperently they changed it a few months ago and we did not have to stop.

As we are leaving El 21, red cross worker's holding out cans for donation. I stop and put five dollar's. I remember my Mom telling me when my Nana died my Mom had to ask for help from the red cross to help pay for the funeral. She said to alway's give to the Mexico red cross, I alway's do.

Still south on 15D, stopped alot along the way. One front flat tire and many, many, many close call's. Especially with the buse's, they drive like Idoit's!! There is no shoulder on the road not like here. Here you have the white line and usually a couple of feet off to the right of pavement. Not in Mexico, you have the white line and that's it! It's off-roading after that. There is no shoulder what's so ever. Lot's of little trails a good 20-30 feet from the road, had to use them many time's to avoid the crazy driver's.

Alot of little villages along the way that we stopped to rest and to slow down our heart beats. Kid's running in front of you, behind you chasing you on a major highway. Dog's oh my god the dog's that would chase after you. We saw pig's, duck's, goat's, horse's, cow's right on the highway.

The first town that I know the name of was Imuris, I know I have a cousin who live's thier. Going up and down dirt road's looking for something familer. Been so long everything is different. Saw the swiming pool my Mom used to swim in when she was a little girl but could not find my cousin's house so we gave up. Back to 15D

Now a good 102-109 mile's into our trip. A few miles outside Imuris saw a policia on the side of the highway having a chat with a few people. He whistled at us and waved for us to come over. I already knew what was going to happen. He said we could not ride on the side of the highway and he would not let us continue. But I really know what he wanted, I've been coming to Mexico my whole life and alway's run into these guy's espacially when they know you are from the north. He wanted me to pay the toll, to faten his wallet. I refused....It was a good ol stand-off. I refused to give him money that dirty cop! Took about 30-40 minutes till he gave up. He threatened to take our bike's but I still would not give in. I learned from my Mom how to deal with these guy's. He finally jumped in his cruiser and left, so we went on our way.

Still on 15D next town Magdalena de Kino....Yahooo more then half way thier. The town of Father Kino, Ahhh Magdalena, where you can get the best firecracker's for a couple of buck's. Some of my best childhood memories are from this town. But it has changed from when I was a kid. It is now a dangerous town full of coyote's and Mafia, drug cartels, Drug dealer's waiting for thier drug money to come back from the state's. Very, very crowded. I have a aunt here, I know where her house is, it's right by the police station if you even want to call them police.

Got to stop and say hello, hug's and kisse's from a bunch of people who I have to assume I'm related too. Shocked that we rode bicycle's all the way from Tucson. Kid's who I assume were cousin wanting to ride our bike's. I felt bad, I did not want them to, I was afraid of them doing damage to the bike's. Rested for a long time, we where tiered. Filled are belly's with some of the best food in the world. Getting yelled at for not visiting enough, being told of a nice girl they know for me, Hey!! hook me up!! Thiers nothing like a good hard working ranch girl. It's going to get dark soon, got to go.

Leaving Magdalena just a few block's from my aunt's house, some idiot tries to make a right turn at the intersection before we get thier....LOOK OUT!!! Too late, smack right in the passenger door. Damn!, I was afraid to look at my bike. I thought for sure I broke something. Got lucky no damage, the guy in the car stopped for a second, I guess just to see if I was okay, he waved, I waved back, then he drove off like it was nothing. Wow, need to pay more attention that was too close.

Just as we are leaving Magdalena, there is the red cross, we where just passing the red cross when I hear a awful yell, I look back. It's Alex, he got pinched between a car and the traffic light pole. Alex who speak's way better spanish then me is yelling god knows what at the driver. The driver yelling back, the driver is a idiot, forget about it you are okay let it go.

Leaving Magdelana now about 122 miles into our trip and the hardest part to come, only about a little more then 22 miles to go.

I know there is some step hills coming up, did not want to tell Alex he look's uncomfortable. Oh no! throttle cable broke, damn. Pull off the side of the highway to see what I can do. Pulled throttle off handle bars and striped about a foot of the shield off so I have something to grab. Now I'm sterring with one hand and the other pulling on the cable to operate the throttle, damn this is going to tuff.

Had to stop and walk the bike's up some of the hill's, to step for the motor's and to exhausted to pedal up. Ah, I see the radio tower for the only radio station. I know what this mean's Santa Ana just on the other side and it's all down hill from here, YEAH!!

Once in Santa Ana make a right, now on highway 2. Cross the railroad track's, cross the bridge. I'm all gitty with excitement I know once I cross the bridge about a half mile make a left onto a dirt road and I will be in Santa Ana Vieja, the village where my uncle's house is. I hope my sister made it fine with my truck and quad. All I could think about was pulling up to my uncle's yard and seeing thier face's, I know they are worried about us.

Now on the dirt road I keep looking in the distance come on, come on where's my truck. Yes, Yes!! there it is I did it I made it. I yell at Alex "There's my Tio's house, There's my Tio's house. Alex has a huge smile on his face.

Well, we made it, we where so proud of ourself's. A nice ice cold Tecate with lime and salt and telling everyone about our adventure. But that did not last long, I had a race to get ready for.

Sorry, I did not have a camera with me and dont have any pic's. My aunt did take some picture's but only of me racing my quad. The cool thing about the race was it went right in front of my uncle's house and my family watched me kick but right from the front yard.
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Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
Here is me looking back to see what punk actually think's he can beat me

Here is some of my family watching from my Uncle's front yard

Oh, by the way, I know I said I would do this again. But I have not decided, the rally will be held in July again and so far I have no one to go with me if I do decide to go. If anybody is intrested, all I can offer is a cool adveture, good food, good beer, and some off road racing. I'm thinking about racing a buggy this year and may need a co-driver. But like I said, thing's are really tight right now with money so nothing set in stone.


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Jul 19, 2008
Mesa Arizona
I love to see the rides you all have done. I have ridden about 60 miles here one morning about 3 hours. I went from north west Mesa to Fountain Hills and then out to Saguaro Lake and then back to Mesa where I woke up datz to tell him about the ride and rode on home. I always carry tools and a pump. Never have a reason to be stranded if you can help it. Mexico, now that is heavy duty.
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New Member
Jan 5, 2020
Not looking to dredge up a super old thread but I thought this was better than starting a new thread when there was already one going. I am looking to do a 200 mile ride next week, then a 3-day motorcycle ride, then ride the 200 miles back home. Should be a good adventure. Dave31 looks to have had some good experiences. I will try to post some pics after.
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