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New Member
Aug 13, 2010
Saint Augustine, FL
I'm not sure of the policy, if any, about bad mouthing one of the companies shown on the side of the page...but......I'm kind of "PO'd" at one of them. I sent them an email with a question about 2 weeks ago. No answer yet! If I got the right answer I wanted to buy 2 rims from them. That was in the email also.
Maybe they are just so busy they can't be bothered. BTW, this happened once before with the same company.
If a moderator gives the okay I will say the name of the company.


Nashville Kat

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
Since the topic came up-

I will say something about MANY of them, here-

and you can extrapolate the comment to a whole bunch of internet vendors in general:

The descriptions on internet sites so often SUCK!
There's no information- no specifics- no dimensions, and few pictures-
RARELY a picture of the product installed or in use so you have a scale on it

Instead- it's all too often PURPOSELY vague- so you'll just buy the wrong thing-

This has become an art with a lot of items on ebay- and when and if you query them about something- it's also an art to send some kind of vague reply that still doesn;t answer the question.

This has become part of the declining business morality in general.

in fact I queried a vendor here a week or two back- who I've seen a lot of comments about who doesn't respond- and I got no response to my question about the availability of a product always on the site, but NEVER in stock-

and beyond all that, I'll take the opportunity to say again

Motorized bikes, and cycling in general- is somehow often torpoedoed behind the scenes by the corporate structure and the oil powers that be-
they know cycling will never really go away, and the conglomerate will take our money- but their hearts are not in the same places as most of us.
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Active Member
Mar 17, 2012
North Bay
Chinese marketing tactics, the electric bike stuff is worse because if the specs are off you let all the smoke out of the wires, lol!

My beef is the spec sheets on products, and the lack of instructions, I have this tachometer off eBay that just lights up, that's it, but there are no instructions or the proper input voltage specs, so I'm left to try to make it work. I have a ton of stuff sitting around that didn't quite work, at least its fodder for future tinkering.

I bet I can guess which vendor it is, that predictable because its like a complaint a week here.
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New Member
Jun 13, 2009
San Diego, CA
Motorized bikes, and cycling in general- is somehow often torpoedoed behind the scenes by the corporate structure and the oil powers that be-
they know cycling will never really go away, and the conglomerate will take our money- but their hearts are not in the same places as most of us.
Power to the Left Leg...Right On!
<straightens his left leg as he forces his right fist in the air in a show of solidarity>

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
When I wanted to build a custom 5 speed freewheel, I bought a freewheel off Amazon. What they sent me wasn't what was in the picture. When I contacted the company they first tried to treat me like I was stupid and didn't know what I was talking about. They did agree to refund my money. I then contacted another company who even has a website on how to repair bicycles. They to had the same attitude. I asked if they could send pictures of the backs of the freewheels and they wouldn't even do that.

I finally went to the one person who has always tried to help me. David Staton told me he didn't know about taking different sprockets from one freewheel and using them on other brand cores. However he was willing to send me pictures of the backside of the freewheels. That is how the 5 speed 16-34 Land Rider Jerry's freewheel came about.

This is what inspired me to do Land Rider Jerry Freewheel tread. Since many of these companies seem so unwilling to help, it is up to us to share our knowledge to help our fellow bikers.