My Favorite Riding Area


New Member
Dec 12, 2008
west-central Illinois
Do you have a favorite riding area where there is rarely traffic
and not many houses close by. Here is a few pictures of my daily
area on my rack mount. Fist picture is a highway route where traffic
is spaced out over long distance. The second picture is my favorite
a smooth black top road that is marked off in 1/4 mile sections for
2-miles. The third is my stop for a wine cooler and a couple smokes
along a creek bank.


Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now

Most everywhere I ride is sorta like that....U.S. Highway 6 for a mile, braving 70+ mph semi trucks, campers towing various racing vehicles and lotto ladies racing to the next convenience store, and then off to miles and miles of smooth unihabited roads including some perfectly groomed dirt roads and paved one laners.

I too have a few designated "areas for taking a break".



minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I live in the city and only a few miles of range so mine is mostly in traffic or back in the hood. I am hoping to do some bike trail riding soon. This new bike I'm perfecting looks less like a motor bike.

it does have a larger front wheel now


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
I have bike path envy :(

Joe, Charged - those paths and roads are beautiful, must be a joy to cruise! We've only one bike path around here, paved - it runs parallel to a major highway for about five miles.

Not only is it the only designated pedestrian/bicycle route, it's really the fastest and easiest way to get from one town to another by any means other than car so it's very very crowded and I tend to avoid it with my screaming two stroke unless it's the middle of the business day. Weekends are insane! o_O

The roads are either highways or crazy rural routes. The latter while fun is hilly, twisty, no shoulder at all, and torn up so bad by erosion and frost heaves that I fear for my rims at the least... Prolly still safer than deacon's city riding tho heh

I still love ridin' em :D

I do however have a favorite "path" to ride (a few actually) but it's a bit of a challenge and not all that relaxing until ya give up and jus sit down awhile lol;

There is defo little traffic and absolutely NO houses anywhere near that path!
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a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
my favorite riding spot is all over the place in orange county, ca.

weaving through rush hour traffic, getting cut off by busses, almost run down by SUV's, powersliding into starbucks parking lots because the her bmw couldn't wait for me to pass before turning into the driveway to get her coffee, morons on non-motored bikes going the wrong way in bike lanes making me swerve into traffic, taco trucks in santa ana, everyone else in costa mesa that doesn't stop at the 4ways, drivers who can't figure out when to make a right at the light when i'm stuck in their turn lane (who usually wait till the light turns green, cutting me off,) and the ones who are stuck next to me at the light, while my exhaust fumes blow into their windows...

it's awesome. wouldn't live anywhere else.
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New Member
Dec 12, 2008
west-central Illinois
I seen on TV that they are places in the United States that are
trying out no road signs or traffic signals. The vehicles watch out for
bicycles. The bicycles watch out for themselfs. A pedistrian is on his own.
They claim over in Europe this is working and the accident rates have dropped.
The claim is that drivers will watch the roads more and not just watch out for
oncomimg signs ahead .


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
I seen on TV that they are places in the United States that are
trying out no road signs or traffic signals. The vehicles watch out for
bicycles. The bicycles watch out for themselfs. A pedistrian is on his own.
They claim over in Europe this is working and the accident rates have dropped.
The claim is that drivers will watch the roads more and not just watch out for
oncomimg signs ahead .
Its not a new concept, just one we've abandoned. Its called, 'personal responsibility'. Unfortunately, especially in America, it has become the norm for people to expect that someone is watching out for them instead of the other way around. One of my gripes is brake lights. Where did that idea come from? If every driver were able to judge distance and closing speed there would be no need for red lights on the rear end of vehicles to tell you that the car in front of you is slowing down. Everyone would just keep a good following distance based on their driving experience. When did you ever see brake lights on race cars? Sorry, a little off-topic but I don't have any photos of my riding places. I'll have to take my camera along next time.



Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
I took my camera with me today. My neighborhood isn't exactly my favorite place to ride but I put a lot of miles on my bikes near my home. It is exactly 4.3 miles around the hood and I like the flats and the hills offered. I especially like the fact that there's so little traffic and those that do pass are always courteous, moving over to give a bike plenty of room.



New Member
Dec 12, 2008
west-central Illinois

Most everywhere I ride is sorta like that....U.S. Highway 6 for a mile, braving 70+ mph semi trucks, campers towing various racing vehicles and lotto ladies racing to the next convenience store, and then off to miles and miles of smooth unihabited roads including some perfectly groomed dirt roads and paved one laners.

I too have a few designated "areas for taking a break".
I have some covered bridgges in my area and one close by area has a covered bridge
festivable. I have never been there yet. I bet the sound effects are just awesome going
through that covered bridge. I will have to put that on my list as a must do.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I seen on TV that they are places in the United States that are
trying out no road signs or traffic signals. The vehicles watch out for
bicycles. The bicycles watch out for themselfs. A pedistrian is on his own.
They claim over in Europe this is working and the accident rates have dropped.
The claim is that drivers will watch the roads more and not just watch out for
oncomimg signs ahead .
This is sooo true!!! In Rome, there are literally 4 traffic lights in the whole city!! There are hardly any stop signs & everyone drives totally crazy!!
But to tell the truth, there weren't any accidents; & it only takes about 10 minutes to get from one side of the city to the other!
The trick is that they have "circles" instead of intersections.