rubber boot boost bottle 2  I used Super Glue Gell to epoxy the brass nozzle in. Scuff and clean all parts prior to gluing to prevent leaks or bubblin

rubber boot boost bottle 2 I used Super Glue Gell to epoxy the brass nozzle in. Scuff and clean all parts prior to gluing to prevent leaks or bubblin

The plastic tube didn't stay in there. I don't think it got glue between the sides of the tube and the hole. I cleaned it out and put a brass one in there, with Crazy Glue, the kind that is really thick and doesn't drip. It is like modeling glue I think.
Don't block the air passage way much or it might change how the bike runs or waste fuel. I'm still using the one in the photo above, with success.

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Dax Drive/Tanaka on Schwinn Avenue/Pscyhocross bike!
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