fun with traditional bicyclists


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
every once in a while it is fun to mess with the traditional bicyclists. one thing i enjoy doing is when their is a group of them riding down the road is to pass them pedaling backwards. the look on their faces is priceless. i did this today past a big group of people downtown. jaws just dropped lol


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
I once passed a guy while climbing up the hill that I live on.
He was huffing and puffing and sweat was pouring off of him, doing maby 5 MPH.
I was pedaling like mad in a higher gear in an attempt to help the engine and get the clutch to lock up. I passed him doing about 15 MPH.
The guy was pissed...
I can't say I was trying to have fun with him, but just maby... he will research putting an engine on his bike now.


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
I don't have "fun" with cyclists and try to avoid them as much as I can but won't avoid riding trails as I feel I have as much right on them as they do. With that said, the times I've passed cyclists have not netted favorable comments from them. I'm tired of the insults, foul language, etc...

I ride MBs because I have an agreement not to own/ride motorcycles. I love the escape of hopping onto a MB and going for a long ride with the wind blowing across my face.

The next person who calls me a cheater is going to get an earful.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
i have had a few call me cheater and i just laugh. sad they are that unhappy. 99% of the traditional bicyclists i run into want to know all about the bicycle. when i do pass i give lots of room to them and go by pedaling backwards as i wave. i ussually meet up with them later and reactions are fun. when i asked how do i expect to get excercise with the bike i let them know i love bicycles and getting all sweaty while riding to work is not an option that with the motor i can ride my bike that much more and not be cooped up in the car. that gets them thinking they wouldn't mind having a second bike with a motor. i see a group of traditional bicyclist stopped to rest i always stop to say hello and talk to them.thier is a right way and wrong way to handle everthing and a little interaction with the traditionals is good for everyone.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
Many of them hate us; but I've found that if you give them a big grin & a nod as you pass them, they realize that we're all really just bicycle nuts & will get it. (^)

Many hard core 'Roadies' have even gotten into little races with us going down the street... (& have come real close to beating us)!! :eek: :)


New Member
Apr 1, 2012
Austin, TX
I live in Austin. It is a big bike town. I haven't had any negative run ins with the traditional cyclist yet. I actually am a traditional cyclist as well. Kind of a weekend warrior roadie. haha.
I did have a roadie follow me for a while one day, then he passed me when he turned right at a light I was stopped at and thanked me for the great "drafting."
That was pretty cool.


Apr 4, 2012
so far all the ones i met/passed dont know what to make of it.
as far as cheating,i pedal it to start it,and i'm not sitting on the couch.
i enjoy riding it,but waiting for the day the police tell me i cant.


Active Member
May 18, 2008
Fountain Hills, Arizona
I had a roadie draft inches from my rear wheel at a ralley thru the saguaro nat'l forest (tucson) a few years ago while I was doing around 40mph...
kinda intimidating (I didn't want to back off and have him plow into me !!!)
Sep 4, 2009
every once in a while it is fun to mess with the traditional bicyclists. one thing i enjoy doing is when their is a group of them riding down the road is to pass them pedaling backwards. the look on their faces is priceless. i did this today past a big group of people downtown. jaws just dropped lol
Man that is so wrong in so many ways LOL I never thought to peddle backwards. Kinda reminds me of throwing water on myself along with the other guys working movers and acting out of breath...we were told to take a break and the dispatcher sent someone else out (I was paid hourly). I told the dispatcher what we did she just laughed LOL


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
I am a 'nod and smile' guy to the spandex guys too but sometimes I just can't help myself and one of those times was recently when I was test riding a 960W 36V 7-speed electric build.

I blew by him in dead silence doing the 'pedal shuffle', that is just a half pedal one way, half a back the other over and over again hehehehe ;-}


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
Man that is so wrong in so many ways LOL I never thought to peddle backwards. Kinda reminds me of throwing water on myself along with the other guys working movers and acting out of breath...we were told to take a break and the dispatcher sent someone else out (I was paid hourly). I told the dispatcher what we did she just laughed LOL
actually i am just wrong in so many ways lol


Active Member
Aug 22, 2011
Vancouver, B.C.
I have had Murphy following me for too long to get away with much.. He steps in when I get cocky like that. I zoomed past a guy once, then had a (back) blowout halfway up the bridge I commute across daily. He passed me and waved as I was pushing it up the arch. (When no one was around I weighed my bike on the scale at work. It comes in at 84 lbs, as equipped and loaded.)

I haven't had a bad reaction yet, I get a lot of people asking me about it when I go places. Before I motorised it, I used to hate the (e-bike) powered bikes that I encountered because (again, on the bridges) they'll ride up right behind you and sit 6" back and you're trying to pedal up the span. Now when I see an e-bike I usually roar past them, but that's only because they've got a 32 km/h (19.88 mph) governor, and I can easily do double that (and more) WOT. It is. Really.

I get a mix of reactions from drivers, but that's for another thread. ;)

When I see a pedaller is already ahead of me before I get on the bridge, I pull to the side for a couple of minutes and wait until they're near the top of the arch before I start up after them, just so that I don't ride up behind them while going up. I always catch up to them on the downside, but I usually cut the motor at the top and coast down when someone's ahead of me.