Please Help Got spark got petrol..Engine will not start


New Member
Feb 6, 2010
Hi all

I changed the oil seal on my skyhawk go sick em engine

After i change it i went to start it than all it done was back fire would not kick over at all

So after that i undo the spark plug put it on the head bolt its showing me its got spark..

So than i changed magneto to a brand new one

Still wouldn't start

So than i changed to a new spark plug still nothing

Than i changed a carby from my other bike still nothing

Checked all wires are tight

checked plug wire is tight

Kill swicth is not connected

So than i thought that circle thing inside the magneto might only be able to work one way so i fliped that over still nothing

Magneto fitted correct way.duh.

Key for that circle thing is in place correctly

I am lost what happened????

Just a simple change of oil seal stoped the engine from fireing

What am i over looking surely its something simple i just can't think of anything els

Please Help

I am awaiting your reply


Jan 1, 2011
Denver, CO
You mentioned nothing about the CDI, try replacing that and see what happens. If nothing after that attempt then use the search feature and see what others have done.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
If you do indeed see a spark in the spark test?, theres no need to keep checking the wires or any of that!
I would start looking into the carb & fuel supply; & if that all checks out?, I would next check to see if the clutch is slipping while you're trying to start it. ;)


New Member
Feb 6, 2010
Thankyou for your reply

I must metion befor i changed oil seal engine was running

Than directly after changing oil seal engine would backfire but not kick over:-||

I will check out the cdi

I have tried a differant carby from another working bike i have

I am lost any other further information would be great



New Member
Feb 6, 2010
Thanks for all the replys
I changed the oil seal on magneto side

Now today I changed the cdi from a differant working bike still nothing not one sound of life

Petrol is going through the carby as when i press the primer
Petrol drips from the bottom of carby

Also after changing the cdi i pulled the spark plug of smelled it

So than again i changed the carby from my other working bike

Its getting petrol to the spark plug

I am lost how could it be getting spark and getting petrol
But no sign's of life what so ever
No even a slight fire nothing at all
So than i pored some petrol down the spark plug hole
Just to see if it would fire
Still nothing

One thing could this be a problem??
When i took that circle thing off (the thing that spins inside magneto)
I held that with multigrips...Maybe i slightly damaged this???

I looked at it only tiny tiny marks on it

Is there such thing as having weak spark????

When i undone the spark plug put it on the head bolt even with my finger on the spark..The spark is not that strong...

Please anyone advise me further?



New Member
Feb 6, 2010
If you do indeed see a spark in the spark test?, theres no need to keep checking the wires or any of that!
I would start looking into the carb & fuel supply; & if that all checks out?, I would next check to see if the clutch is slipping while you're trying to start it. ;)
Thanks for the reply

Petrol is getting to carby as when i press the primer petrol drips from the bottom of carby

Clucth cable is set right

Getting plently of petrol as i have a large glass fuel filter i can see the petrol

But that doesn't mean its getting plently of petrol into carby

When i tried to start it I than pulled off the spark plug and its wet and smells of petrol


New Member
Sep 9, 2009
Calera, Alabama
Thanks for the reply

I have tried fitting magneto both ways both ways...
But it only sits flat on one way..

The smaller part of the circle facing the engine

Please Any other thoughts??
Did not answer the question...The magneto consist of two parts. First we have a magnet (this sits on the crank shaft, with a key way) and a coil. The magnet can be put on two different wary, enabling you to get a spark, just at the wrong time (you had to remove this to install the seal). The coil can be put on upside down, but kind of hard to do as the wire round section is offset to the outside. Blue wire on top and white wire at the bottom. Did you check out the photos I gave a link to?

This is the CORRECT way that the magnet is installed. Notice the upper and lower flat side are East to West. Install the magnet when the piston is at TDC

This magnet is installed INCORRECTLY. Notice the angle of the flat side.
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New Member
May 2, 2011
i am having a similar problem with mine but mine just stoped running out of nowhere while riding home from work,when i took off all my covers i saw my magneto was not spinning im new to this so i dont know much but someone did ask me if i changed my oil seal and i told them no,they said something about a shaft not spinning the mag,im not sure this would help at all but im just as lost i hope u figue it out im sure i wasnt much help but if you get it popping again keep us posted and i would love to know what the problem was


New Member
Sep 9, 2009
Calera, Alabama
i am having a similar problem with mine but mine just stoped running out of nowhere while riding home from work,when i took off all my covers i saw my magneto was not spinning im new to this so i dont know much but someone did ask me if i changed my oil seal and i told them no,they said something about a shaft not spinning the mag,im not sure this would help at all but im just as lost i hope u figue it out im sure i wasnt much help but if you get it popping again keep us posted and i would love to know what the problem was
You say...i am having a similar problem with mine. Does this mean you still have the same issue? If so, there is a cutaway in the shaft where the magnet sits over the shaft. Your problem may be that (since it was running) the key sheared. Remove the magnet by removing the nut, and working the magnet off. This mat be a little hard. Inspect the key and the cutout where the key slips down into. You might just need a key. When installing the key, clean shaft (throttle body cleaner works wonders) and drop a few drops of super glue in where the key goes. Set key in place and let dry. This helps installing the magnet as without the supper glue the magnet will want to pull the key out of place.

Picture of key way.

Picture of key.


New Member
May 2, 2011
yea that might be the problem and if it is thats funny i have brought this thing to like eight different mechanics and they couldnt figure it out but it figures it would be something real simple,ill have to check it out after work,and if its the key now ill have to find where to get one in a hurry


New Member
Sep 9, 2009
Calera, Alabama
yea that might be the problem and if it is thats funny i have brought this thing to like eight different mechanics and they couldnt figure it out but it figures it would be something real simple,ill have to check it out after work,and if its the key now ill have to find where to get one in a hurry
If you can't find one the exact size, buy a larger and file it down to fit.

EIGHT different mechanics? Better get a good one...the magnet check is so basic.


New Member
May 2, 2011
yea complete idiots around here the one told me my chain bearings were bad and too old(funny since the chain is about a week old) well ill be trying that and hope to be riding soon


New Member
Feb 6, 2010
i am having a similar problem with mine but mine just stoped running out of nowhere while riding home from work,when i took off all my covers i saw my magneto was not spinning im new to this so i dont know much but someone did ask me if i changed my oil seal and i told them no,they said something about a shaft not spinning the mag,im not sure this would help at all but im just as lost i hope u figue it out im sure i wasnt much help but if you get it popping again keep us posted and i would love to know what the problem was
Regarding your bike if the magnet is not spinning the key is not inside it

I finally fixed my bike look below


New Member
Feb 6, 2010
You say...i am having a similar problem with mine. Does this mean you still have the same issue? If so, there is a cutaway in the shaft where the magnet sits over the shaft. Your problem may be that (since it was running) the key sheared. Remove the magnet by removing the nut, and working the magnet off. This mat be a little hard. Inspect the key and the cutout where the key slips down into. You might just need a key. When installing the key, clean shaft (throttle body cleaner works wonders) and drop a few drops of super glue in where the key goes. Set key in place and let dry. This helps installing the magnet as without the supper glue the magnet will want to pull the key out of place.

Picture of key way.

Picture of key.
Thankyou for your reply

And yes i tried magnet two differant ways

Ok i was getting spark but a very weak spark

So i removed the magnet installed a new magnet and new magneto

Its finally running again

So anyone reading this
If you have spark does not mean its enough to fire the engine

Thankyou for all your help


New Member
May 2, 2011
thats great man im glad u got it running again theres not much worse than the frustration of having an engine that wont run and especially to find out that its something as small as this but its good to hear it runs again,good luck on any issues in the future but on the plus side to all my frustration i now know alot more about about the engine than i ever did before now all thats left for me is to get it apart and make sure that my problem too and then find where to buy the key