I have a old Schwinn style crusier with a BBR 80 on it with a pipe and race carb on it with a 36T sprocket couldn’t ask for a better bike in the summer I drive 60 miles a day round trip to my side job I took the motorbike one day in June just to see if it could do it and it did so I drove the rest of the week then I took it again and after that i fell in love with driving it there it gets 60 mpg so it’s really easy on the pocket and it’s only like 10 minutes longer then taking a car because of traffic so I drove that 30 miles one way everyday for 4 months without an issue just had to do basic maintenance and check all the nuts and bolts after every 100 miles but I have gone thru 3 sets of tires and never had a mechanical issue aslong as I take good care of it !