I've been able to price some equipment recently and tubing benders especially are way out of my price range. I think building a nice solid table to mount some home built dies would work okay for my purposes. Notchers aren't too pricey and some welding machines aren't too expensive but I've always wanted a proper torch and honestly don't like looking through dark lenses and dealing with electricity, wiring the house, ect. My first weld was on a thin steel coupon using an old torch without any filler rod. The teacher wanted us to learn about the puddle and after that we used some filler rods. The simplicity and versatility of an oxy/acetylene torch is what has me drawn to it along with the nostalgia after reading about old sling shot dragsters being gas welded together in backyards and garages. I can't wait to get an assortment of tips and practice on some old scrap. I won't touch another stick welder to a bike frame, either not enough fusion or blowing holes is what I had. I believe I can fix my mistake by heating the top tube section near the seat post lug and slide it out before soldering in a new section of 1" tube that I have plenty of. I'll have to use some aircraft paint stripper or try some scuff pads and laquer thinner before I can do anything.