3rd Friction Drive build (pics)


New Member
Building this for a guy. IMHO I wouldn't use this bike but thats me. He brought me the bike & motor. Asked if I could make it work. I told him I would give it a try. Anyways here is how I managed to bolt the drive spindle on. Using a homelite 35cc chainsaw for this one. Scrapped the clutch and went direct. Also cut some grooves every 1/2 inch on the peg to get some better traction. Should help.
Need a turnbuckle for the tensioner and a few other items for the hardware store but almost done.





Ok just a update I gat the throttle cable worked out just need to get the right size fuel lines in the AM.

So no comments yet and 58 views? Hmmmm.....Does my work suck that bad? LMK.........


Good job. man!


Replace your knobby tire with one with smooth tread. Better grip for the roller.

Does your engine raise off the tire? If not, I would hinge the bracket, fab a long handle to raise the assembly. Make it so you can lock it in upright position or locked down onto the tire. Either use springs for more downward pressure, or leverage from the long handle.

Oooh, now I see the turnbuckle to lock the roller onto the tire.

I would try to devise a disengagement system. On youtube is a chainsaw bike from Hawaii. The guy's engine is locked down with bungee cords. That means that the engine dies at every stop, and the friction roller is always in contact with the tire.
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Hey thanks Dude. I already recommended to the owner of the bike that he should change out the rear tire. He is also gonna need to beef up the brakes. I rode it this AM. Kinda sluggush low end but once its wound up not bad. The grooved roller grips good but may be a little to large for good bottom and mid range acceleration. My other bike with a smaller roller seems to work better. Maybe its my 6'1" 200 lbs. Lol. I am gonna add grooves to the drive roller (socket) on my other bike.
The turn buckle works good and will raise the drive an inch off the tire. Something quick release on a lever would be cool but this is simple.
I saw that video. I wouldn't want to use bungee cords as a tensioner.