Do you know this motor? ...TAS MOTOR.


New Member
So I thought I would start here and then go over the 2 stroke engine forum to see what they say.

Here is the story...

I have the oportunity to buy an old 2 stroke engine called TAS Motor ($200). I know nothing about it other than looking at it (and i'm not an engine guy). I think it's in working order but I have no idea what it's worth and I'm having a hard time finding any information about them. I did find out that the engines were made by Tanaka of Japan and Jim Wilson Editor of magazine has one of em (Thanks Mike!). Haven't tried (don't know how) to contact Jim.

Before I purchase it I was wondering if anyone could tell me about TAS motors? Do you have one or seen one for sale? You can't see on the picture (below) but the clutch is on the engine (don't know if they are all like that or not). I want to put it on my board track racer i'm buiding and I thought it would be better than a china engine. However I don't know if it's worth $200?

Any info/help would be greatly appreciated...

200.00 might be ok if you can find parts for it.check and see what parts you can find online.If a small part goes out,and you cant find a replacement part you now have a 200.00 door stop H.D.
A google search turns up the following Google Image Result for tbnh=101&tbnw=135&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTAS%2BMotors%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1


Thanks sdol - I should have mentioned I did search about the engine but it was a bunch of dead ends. I also found that page and I saw some engines that looked really similar but I couldn't find any info on them other than those pics on peoples bikes. Maybe I'm not just searching in the right places. Thats why I'm asking here...I'm betting that someone here will read this post and have that engine on their bike or maybe have worked on one...
I can't be any help but I'm curious about the motor. Do you know the displacement, (cc) ? Is it mounted on a bicycle in the photo? That is an interesting piece of machinery. Let us know what you find out about it, please.
from the aluminum tubing and the cast lugs, that looks like it's mounted to a 1930's Ward's/ Hawthorne Duralium bicycle. if that motor has any power, it'll rip that frame to shreds.

i had one that just pedaling hard would flex the **** out of the frame.

i've got a girl's bike now i'm restoring. i'm afraid to ride it.

but they are cool bikes, and that motor looks cool. all art-deco...
found some stuff for you: Lawn & Garden Power Equipment Trivia

looks like they were used on keystone minibikes from the 70's. supposed to be 50cc.

from the shape, it looks like some of them were friction drive, but i can't tell.

Tanaka still has some parts for them, because some stuff is interchangeable with their other motors.

i'd buy it. even if it did turn into a boat anchor...
WOW, thanks for everyone’s input...

kevlarr- yeah I agree about it looking like it's what china engines are made from. I can tell you one's solid and you can clearly see it's made with solid parts, the Japanese engines are much better than the china ones IMHO.

bairdco - nice research! I agree with your assessment of the keystone minibikes from what I searched and found. It's GREAT to hear I can still get parts if need be. The frame the engine is on is not my bike but you most likely are correct. I'm going to put this motor on my Harley Board Tracker (see below) made from a worksman bike. Should hold up fine...

I most likely will buy this motor on Sunday and when I go and look at it I will have more questions for the buyer. Number one is making sure it does work and if not what we will need to do to get it going. I know he didn't know a lot about it but is very familiar with 2 strokes and he even offered to help me get it mounted. As you can see on my bike I will need to knock out on of the mount tabs on it and I might have to add a bar to mount the engine.

Here is a picture of the bike I'm going to mount it on...

Way back in the 60's I've seen these regular bicycles driven by TAS engines in the philippines they were mounted in the front tires of the bike. To get an idea how it works, go to google and search for Solex bikes made in France.
I am the one who built and sold you the Harley bike and am also as you know the one who still has that TAS motor. I am finally back in the garage (A little at a time) building more machines. I have several standing orders at this time but if anyone is interested in a bike like the one in the post , or an Indian, Cyclone, or? replica then let me know.
I also make tanks to suit modified worksman frames or? out of fiberglass. I can supply the raw tank or a completly finished one or anywhere in between.
[email protected]
By the way. I have lost all my photo recoeds of my builds. If anyone has any shots of the bikes I built including this Harley bike could you please email them to me?
I am the one who built and sold you the Harley bike and am also as you know the one who still has that TAS motor. I am finally back in the garage (A little at a time) building more machines. I have several standing orders at this time but if anyone is interested in a bike like the one in the post , or an Indian, Cyclone, or? replica then let me know.
I also make tanks to suit modified worksman frames or? out of fiberglass. I can supply the raw tank or a completly finished one or anywhere in between.
[email protected]

By the way. I have lost all my photo records of my builds. If anyone has any shots of the bikes I built including this Harley bike could you please email them to me?

Rick, aka Cinelliphyle welcome back & Happy New Year from Crazy Horse, and yes I have pictures of almost everyone of your builds the Blue Indian, Red Indian, Yellow Cyclone, the Black Harley Road Bike, and Ryans Green Vintage style Tribute Harley Board Track Racer, both of the Excelsior Henderson's.

Just go to my Photobucket page look in the album titled Worksman Board Trackers here's the Link.
Crazyhorse Worksman Board Track Racer Tributes pictures by ICrazyhorse - Photobucket

Peace Bro Crazy Horse.
P.S.Rick some of the photos were taken at Georges house, I'm sure you'll be able to pickout your builds from the 100 plus photo's in this album.