lost my phone and all my contacts...



a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
got really drunk the other night and my phone disappeared. i'm gonna go with stolen, just 'cause saying i got drunk and lost it sounds pretty lame.

it was a pre-paid phone, and it was cheaper to just sign up for another one than to replace the phone and keep the same number. basically, $180 for the prepaid deal, or 600 bucks just for another phone.

none of my contacts were backed up on the old phone for some reason, so i lost everyone's numbers.

if you had my number, or if you want it for some reason, PM me and i'll give you my new one.

thanks... :)


Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
I called my lost phone every day for almost three months berating the pinhead who was using it. He never did figure out not to answer my number. :)
Good times!


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Every time I tried to call you all I got was 'Dial-a-Prayer' so I gave up.
Whenever you get a new number, PM me with it.



Jan 29, 2012
This is another example of stupid things like what stop happened to me when I got sober. Stop going to jail,court, classes , the P&P office, losing money, keys , wallet , cars , girlfriends.


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
i called it twice and it went straight to voicemail. that usually means it's off. probably dead battery.

in case you were wondering, most phones ring 4-5 times then goes to voicemail. if it rings any less than that, the person is looking at it and hit "ignore..."

it was a $60 a month prepaid phone. i cancelled it today, got a $50 credit for the next month, and now it's on the lost/stolen list so no one can use it. i'm the only one that can take it off the list, so it's useless to everyone else.

i never actually lost a phone before, and i've had them since 1998 when i started climbing towers for the cell phone companies. i've broken plenty of them, but never lost one. same with glasses, lighters, keys, etc.

i'm really good at not losing things.


Active Member
Aug 22, 2011
Vancouver, B.C.
That sucks, I had that happen once. The 'holster' for it hung up on my jacket somewhere, and it got pulled off my belt. Fortunately when I called it the person who had it was willing to let me have it back.. unfortunately, for a price. I had to replace a phone with a smashed screen once, too. Couldn't get the info out of it. Since then I have a piece of paper in the desk drawer I have names and numbers on just in case.

My newest phone is a Galaxy S2.. using AVG's mobile app I can log in and see where it is or was last, make it ring, lock it, wipe it, etc. Not a bad thing for a free app.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
What is sad is that there are now vending machines where you can drop in old (stolen) phones and get cash back. Tell me that isn't an inducement for phone theft. Why return a lost phone to the owner when you can get guaranteed cash for it? Real great idea :(



Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
I found an Iphone and called the owner to pick it up. I got a hug is all. There was just prior more info showing up in the news about tracking where the phone is and the like. Was that a reason I did not try to do something else than return it to the owner? Eh!



Old, Fat, and still faster than you
Oct 8, 2011
memphis Tn
PrePaid tracfone with lots of service days left.
To be honest, I found it in a parking lot myself with minutes on it so I was mostly just doing it for laughs and giggles. Still had fun messing with the poor dink.


Apr 4, 2012
i dropped my iphone as i was climbing into a helicopter,it hit the skid and went under the aircraft.the guy following me in went down to retrieve it,i thought he tripped.when he stepped in with my phone i almost kissed him.that stupid piece of electronics is my lifeline,work and family contacts,reference info and pictures.guess i should activate that icloud stuff,but what im paying for my contract now is too much.knock on wood,i havent lost one yet.lost one wallet ,one set of keys.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I think I'm the last person on earth without a cell phone of any kind. If I picked up a prepaid cell, I would throw it so hard into the lake that it would never be found. With all the technology around today there would probably be a swat team at my house five minutes after I tried to use it.


Active Member
Jul 31, 2008
el People's Republik de Kalifornistan
I hear ya Deacon! Despite the fact that I grew up in Silicon Valley and am quite proficient in anything to do with technology, I despise cell-phones.

Especially these so-called smart-phones. Actually, scratch the "so-called", I think they might be smarter than most of their users! :D

Anyway, I've had the same MagicJack number for nearly 5 years, it's cheaper than any other phone and works as long as I have internet access.
Lots of other VOIP options, too.

But anyway, I now do have a TracFone celly, I find it may come in useful if I break down or crash/get hit a long way from home!


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
that's a good point. when i crashed at 5am on a saturday morning on a not too busy street i was passed up by at least 3 cars while i lay on the sidewalk trying to breathe thru broken ribs.

if i didn't have my phone (and a good friend like dale (msrfan) to pick me up, who knows how long iwoulda been lying there.

also, when carrying your phone with you, make sure it's in a tight pocket or something, and not the side.you normally fall on.

being a goofyfoot skateboarder my whole life, my right side takes most of the hits so i learned never to keep anything heavy, sharp, or important in my right pocket. i've seen plenty of key and lighter shaped bruises on my friends hips from slamming on their leading sides...
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minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
When I first started here I was talking to Norm. I asked him, Norm what the most important tool to carry on the road with you. He said Cell Phone.

I took a bad fall two years ago, no phone, but someone going by called about the passed out guy on the road tangled up in his bike. I woke up in the hospital. I was wearing a helmet thank god.

Then I had one three weeks ago. I had my three wheeler go over backwards on me. I was awake the whole time. I struggled out from under it. Dragged my butt onto the bike sat there on the edge of shock for about fifteen minutes. I was only two blocks from home so I went back. I am going to an orthopedist this week I'm not healing right somehow. But a cell phone wouldn't have helped on first and I made do on second. I have also pushed a lot of bikes a few blocks home. All in all I can see the value of a cell phone, if you have a bike rack on the car your wife drives. If calling her would just worry her and there is nothing she could do why bother. I guess she could bring you a band aid.

Mama come get me again.


New Member
Apr 20, 2013
Lake Fork, Texas
When I first started here I was talking to Norm. I asked him, Norm what the most important tool to carry on the road with you. He said Cell Phone.

I took a bad fall two years ago, no phone, but someone going by called about the passed out guy on the road tangled up in his bike. I woke up in the hospital. I was wearing a helmet thank god.

Then I had one three weeks ago. I had my three wheeler go over backwards on me. I was awake the whole time. I struggled out from under it. Dragged my butt onto the bike sat there on the edge of shock for about fifteen minutes. I was only two blocks from home so I went back. I am going to an orthopedist this week I'm not healing right somehow. But a cell phone wouldn't have helped on first and I made do on second. I have also pushed a lot of bikes a few blocks home. All in all I can see the value of a cell phone, if you have a bike rack on the car your wife drives. If calling her would just worry her and there is nothing she could do why bother. I guess she could bring you a band aid.

Mama come get me again.
Phuck. Get better buddy. These are dangerous little machines.
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Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
Alright every body here with a cell phone just stop and write down all your numbers. I know just about everyone has not lol. Been there my self laff

As for me no smart phones etc. A simple 15 dollar prepaid phone from the likes of Wallmart. All I have to do is take the prepaid SIM card out and throw that away. Then put my old registered official SIM card from the old phone and put it in the new phone. Done deal!! Turn the phone on and it is very simple all my numbers are there and I don't have a silly activation fee. . I ether answer the phone make a call or do nothing.

No two year contracts.
No funky over priced buy a new phone type hype problem
No funky internet deals or texting just a very simple plane jane phone..
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