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Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
Do you have a death wish? Stop signs aren't yield signs. Stop signs mean come to a complete stop. Yes I realize you're going slow and probably could see the intersection clearly. However we should be making videos showing us as responsible riders. Videos being posted of riders having complete disreguard for the law is what's getting laws passed to take our bikes from us. Please join in with the many of us who are responsible riders and obey the traffic laws.


New Member
May 31, 2013
In Texas, these are completely illegal so I suppose any video of riding in Texas shows complete disregard for the law. Looking down the road to see vehicles coming from far away is much more than anyone does while stopping at a stop sign in a car. Stopping like that arbitrarily on back roads to keep from breaking the law is pointless and does nothing for my safety or my legality.
Mar 31, 2013
In Texas, these are completely illegal so I suppose any video of riding in Texas shows complete disregard for the law. Looking down the road to see vehicles coming from far away is much more than anyone does while stopping at a stop sign in a car. Stopping like that arbitrarily on back roads to keep from breaking the law is pointless and does nothing for my safety or my legality.
...i believe his point was that publicly posting videos of motorized bikes blatantly breaking laws sends a message to idiot politicians to pass more idiotic laws to 'reign in those unruly bicyclists'. other words your videos, combined with other videos of the same behavior could have an impact on the entire motorized bike riding community so if you could limit yourself to not posting videos that document illegal activity it would be greatly appreciated by this community.

...i'm new around here so i don't presume to speak for anyone but myself but i agree that it is unwise to publicly post videos of illegal activity, do know that LEO can use those videos as evidence against you, right?

...and idiot politicians need to pass new, idiotic laws every year to justify there re-elections and thier continued existence? ...why give them ammunition?

but that's just my take on it, you yourself need to decide whether or not your video might paint us all with the same brush, as it were.

peace, bozo

Sidewinder Jerry

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2011
Rockwood, TN
Here is what Texas law will allow you to have:


Sec. 551.351. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Motor-assisted scooter": (A) means a self-propelled device with: (i) at least two wheels in contact with the ground during operation; (ii) a braking system capable of stopping the device under typical operating conditions; (iii) a gas or electric motor not exceeding 40 cubic centimeters; (iv) a deck designed to allow a person to stand or sit while operating the device; and (v) the ability to be propelled by human power alone; and (B) does not include a pocket bike or a minimotorbike. (2) "Pocket bike or minimotorbike" means a self-propelled vehicle that is equipped with an electric motor or internal combustion engine having a piston displacement of less than 50 cubic centimeters, is designed to propel itself with not more than two wheels in contact with the ground, has a seat or saddle for the use of the operator, is not designed for use on a highway, and is ineligible for a certificate of title under Chapter 501. The term does not include: (A) a moped or motorcycle; (B) an electric bicycle or motor-driven cycle, as defined by Section 541.201; (C) a motorized mobility device, as defined by Section 542.009; (D) an electric personal assistive mobility device, as defined by Section 551.201; or (E) a neighborhood electric vehicle, as defined by Section 551.301.

Added by Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. 1242, Sec. 3, eff. June 18, 2005. Amended by: Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 91, Sec. 24.015, eff. September 1, 2011.

Sec. 551.352. OPERATION ON ROADWAYS OR SIDEWALKS. (a) A motor-assisted scooter may be operated only on a street or highway for which the posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour or less. The motor-assisted scooter may cross a road or street at an intersection where the road or street has a posted speed limit of more than 35 miles per hour. (b) A county or municipality may prohibit the operation of a motor-assisted scooter on a street, highway, or sidewalk if the governing body of the county or municipality determines that the prohibition is necessary in the interest of safety. (c) The department may prohibit the operation of a motor-assisted scooter on a highway if it determines that the prohibition is necessary in the interest of safety. (d) A person may operate a motor-assisted scooter on a path set aside for the exclusive operation of bicycles or on a sidewalk. Except as otherwise provided by this section, a provision of this title applicable to the operation of a bicycle applies to the operation of a motor-assisted scooter. (e) A provision of this title applicable to a motor vehicle does not apply to a motor-assisted scooter.

You can't call your bike a moped because Texas uses a manufacture's list they update every 90 days. However even if your bike isn't legal the cops probably won't brother you as long as you obey the traffic laws. We older riders aren't trying to give you a hard time we're trying to help you.

dodge dude94

New Member
Jun 8, 2012
East Texas
In Texas, these are completely illegal so I suppose any video of riding in Texas shows complete disregard for the law. Looking down the road to see vehicles coming from far away is much more than anyone does while stopping at a stop sign in a car. Stopping like that arbitrarily on back roads to keep from breaking the law is pointless and does nothing for my safety or my legality.
As LR Jerry had posted the penal code up, no they aren't.

And anyone who tells me as such is either a liar, ignorant, or the traffic code has changed.

Basically, as long as you have to pedal from a dead stop, it's a motor assisted bicycle and completely legal.