Milk Crate Stealth


New Member
Apr 8, 2009
While driving my gas guzzler 10 miles to work this morning and despairing over the questionable status of motorized bicycles under Texas law, I saw a bicycle pedaling by with a blue plastic milk crate on top of her luggage rack. It made me think. What if you surrounded a fan cooled over the rear tire engine with a plastic milk crate? I think all the perforations of the milk crate would allow plenty of air to cool the engine. One could even paint the engine the same color as the crate or even to look like some groceries.

If the engine was fairly quiet and not smoking(4 cycle?) and you were not breaking the traffic laws, would the authorities even notice you?


New Member
Nov 15, 2008
I don't know if they would notice or not or even what the laws are where you live. I do think that being caught trying to fool the authorities would be far worse than just taking your chances otherwise. FWIW.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
You ride ten miles to work each way. That is doable with an e bike. How does Texas law see them. I can do ten miles on my Ebike I think and I ride the smallest one they make. I don't think anyone knows my bike is powered to be honest. My batteries are in a covered trailer that I pull behind. The hub motor looks more like a brake drum. It is quiet, doesn't smoke ect.

Now e bikes are more expensive than 2stroke engines, but maybe not so much more than a four stroke kit. You won't be setting any speed records but it is doable, if you can charge your batteries at work for the return trip.

Generally speaking your ebike will require less maintenance than the gas bike but it does require that you plan your trip better and that you allow lots more time. I think the best deal right now is the ebike from walmart and it would be good with a bike trailer like mine to pull a large battery pack or you could spring for the lithium batteries.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
The stealth idea is why my battery pack is inside a covered case. No sense screaming steal me at the bad guys. The more I look like a crazy bicyclist the better.


New Member
Mar 23, 2009
if i had a rack mounted engine i would use a milk crate to cover it,but i have a frame mounted engine and its starting to look more like a motorcycle with the big gas tank and all,i will be working on concealing the engine and wires,but its going to be a lot of work.
my 2-stroke dont smoke and im not worried about the noise.

if i had a gas guzzler,i wouldnt have to have a motorized bike,i have a bike cause i cant afford a moped or car.i would be happy to pay for gas for a car.
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minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I sold my car and now ride a bike exclusively. I do ride with my wife now and then, but when I go somewhere I ride my E-bike. If I had to keep a schedule I would miss my four wheeler. Since I don't have to be anywhere, the bike life works fine for me at the moment.