Considering a 4 stroke


Active Member
Jul 26, 2012
It will be my first in frame motorized bicycle. I've rode electric and friction and now I'm ready to ride with the big dogs. I'm not a mechanic and though a 2 stroke china girl could be in my future once I learn more, I want to go with a 4 stroke. Are all the kits the same? Sure looks that way. Who should I buy from? What issues should I look out for?

I know china girls are cheaper, quicker and look better but I feel a 4 stroke will be a better fit.
If this has been covered I apologize


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
I have a EZM kit and I love it. I bought a mounting plate for it from Bicycle-Engines dot com though as I preferred the construction of it over the EZM one. EZM may have changed it by now, I don't know for sure.
The EZM kit is bulletproof and I highly recommend it. It costs more but is very, very well worth it.

Bicycle-Engines dot com also sell a great kit called the 4G T Belt Drive.
I have learned through the experiences of others that the 100 tooth kit with the solid pulley is preferred.

GasBike dot com also sells a variant of the 4G T kit that has a slightly different engine and clutch configuration that has been touted to be a stronger assembly, however folks recently have been receiving poor customer service from them. Caveat Emptor.

What ever you choose do not get a kit with the Grubee SkyHawk stage III chain box.
They have proven themselves poorly made and have a short life span.

Research this forum and learn the tips and tricks for whatever kit you choose before purchasing it. That way you will have a better understanding of what to expect during it's lifespan which can last 10,000 miles or more.
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