Found a few more people with motorized bicycles


New Member
Jan 11, 2009
Today in Southgate Michigan (downriver) was the Downriver Cruise of Fort st, I was riding around their must of been a 1000 people well first I road by a guy the had a black beach cruiser with a motor so I stopped and chatted for a few. He never heard of this site so I told Him about it and he is definitely going to stop by and check it out. I also road by 2 guys separately that stopped me that had just bought a kit and were interested in more about the hobby and had question on how to install it. I referred them here telling the any and all questions you have about these kits can be solved here and most of the stuff is all ready posted in a threads. One guy even took som pic's of my bike to get a better idea on how everything goes together he also asked about the chain idler, I told him if you can get away without it you better off because of how crappy they are and how they can spin and screw up your rim and hurt you. I told him to check if he can take a link out then use the rear rim to tighten it by adjusting where it is at, it is the safest way and you will not have to worry about the chain popping off. They both will be stopping by and joining.

I love all the looks I got from people pointing and saying how cool it is. Especially the kids, their were a few kids on moped I rode up behind them they did not see me and reved my engine all the way they turned and were amazed.