Une "Auto" Facile A Construire.


Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand
Several cheaper cyclecars used the 'buckboard' form or construction where a flexible wooden chassis provided the sole means of suspension. One of the best known is the B&S buckboard powered by the famous B&S motorwheel at the rear of the chassis.

In the book of velocar and cyclecar plans the publishers of 'Tout Le Systeme D' published immediately after the war is a plan for a lightweight cyclecar of quite sporting appearance. Built mostly of plywood and dressed timber it also uses the same design of flexible wooden chassis as the B&S buckboard, but with the additional protection of more bodywork which would help its occupants to feel a wee bit more safe.


Intrepid Wheelwoman

New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Hauraki District, New Zealand
And here's five more of the plan pages. I decided to post all these French plans complete with the text from the book as I'm sure that there are other French readers here on the forum besides myself.
