Anybody built one of these?


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010

Can I put that in the bumper sticker file?

Ya got me going to look at felts today.

Good luck with that. There's nowhere in Dallas where you can look at a Felt beach cruiser.

If you're interested in one of their fancy mountain bikes for about $4000 you can look at those all day long.

The guy told me they don't stock any beach cruisers because they can't sell them lol. What an idiot.


May 25, 2008
Get pretty much the same answer here BN. I asked for a Heritage and the guy said I had to pay a non-refundable 10% if I didn't buy it. 'cause he just couldn't sell a cruiser and it would sit and collect dust. (

Now, the heritage only comes in the weird, hipster black and blue. I really shoulda spent the $. Not like I was gonna say "Nope, sorry. Don't like it" lol
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Sep 4, 2009
Get pretty much the same answer here BN. I asked for a Heritage and the guy said I had to pay a non-refundable 10% if I didn't buy it. 'cause he just couldn't sell a cruiser and it would sit and collect dust. (

Now, the heritage only comes in the weird, hipster black and blue. I really shoulda spent the $. Not like I was gonna say "Nope, sorry. Don't like it" lol
Just start talkin about ordering one online but you'd rather buy from a brick & mortar store to keep money local paying taxes here...say it loud enough for everyone nearby to hear it & watch their attitude change. They know full well you can get anything they sell online...mention Niagra Cycles carries EVERYTHING they sell plus some. Say stuff like by the time I buy fuel to come over here twice for one purchase I coulda bought it online and saved by just paying shipping never mind my time...mention you make X amount per hour and it took ya X amount of time. What they gonna do throw ya out of the store for stating the facts? I did this with cell phone companies got many months of free air time doin it. Mostly I just like doin this sorta thing to rile the haughty crowd.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Just start talkin about ordering one online but you'd rather buy from a brick & mortar store to keep money local paying taxes here...say it loud enough for everyone nearby to hear it & watch their attitude change. They know full well you can get anything they sell online...mention Niagra Cycles carries EVERYTHING they sell plus some. Say stuff like by the time I buy fuel to come over here twice for one purchase I coulda bought it online and saved by just paying shipping never mind my time...mention you make X amount per hour and it took ya X amount of time. What they gonna do throw ya out of the store for stating the facts? I did this with cell phone companies got many months of free air time doin it. Mostly I just like doin this sorta thing to rile the haughty crowd.
George, these guys don't give a darn. They were already beating the online price by $25, and that's out the door. They look down on any bike that's not at least, a measly smeasly $2000 basic poor man model. $5000 is only the bottom of the next level. One you get past $5000 the sky's the limit.

To these guys even a $800 beach cruiser ain't squat. Hardly worth their time putting it together lol. This is Dallas remember, home of Nieman Marcus.


New Member
Oct 29, 2011
Columbia Tennessee


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
its not like it has not been done on a motorcycle already

Those bikes are funny. I see them occasionally at Strokers. You'd think some really huge guy would be riding one, but usually some little guy hops off of them lol.

An then there's me on my bike.



Active Member
May 23, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI
What's the latest? I was reading an article in a classic motorcycle magazine recently about a guy that has hacked his Vincent. He believes it is more important that a bike gets ridden than having it sit and look pretty. Made me think about your bike and how you were fretting over what to do. My thoughts are as pretty as it is the one thing for sure is that you should make it yours. I'm letting my 1903 get scratched, dirty, scuffed, oily, chipped, etc. Patina I think it's called. I still wipe it down and make it look nice but if a wrench slips it's not the end of the world. It's a bike!


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
What's the latest? I was reading an article in a classic motorcycle magazine recently about a guy that has hacked his Vincent. He believes it is more important that a bike gets ridden than having it sit and look pretty. Made me think about your bike and how you were fretting over what to do. My thoughts are as pretty as it is the one thing for sure is that you should make it yours. I'm letting my 1903 get scratched, dirty, scuffed, oily, chipped, etc. Patina I think it's called. I still wipe it down and make it look nice but if a wrench slips it's not the end of the world. It's a bike!
I believe you're talking about Jeff Decker, and his customized Vincent? I love that bike. There's always been a war going on between snooty Vincent owners, and owners that realize it's just a bike. A rare bike, but still just a bike.

I can appreciate a classic bike, but I'm not a collector that buys bikes for investment purposes. All my bikes are for my personal enjoyment, which means I ride the crap out of them, and make them my own. It's who I am lol.

I've had a few friends that like to keep everything completely stock on their bikes. They think it will be worth more that way in the future, and that changing anything will ruin it, but that's not me. My main goal is never about maintaining value, it's always about having the most fun possible.

I'm a lot like Jeff Decker. I always have personalize my bikes to suit my tastes. Usually getting it right involves a long process of changes that takes on a life of it's own. I try things that sometimes don't work out, but I have to try them first to find that out. A lot of times one change, causes multiple other changes, because I like it so much, but it doesn't look right with other things I've already done. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

Here's the Atomic BB soon after it started life 2 years ago.

Here it is today. The only stock part left on the whole bike is the frame. That's it. I'm really happy with how it's turned out. So much so, I feel it's time to move on, or maybe after I change the handle bars lol.

So right now I'm in the part of the process with the Deep 6, where I'm just getting used to how it looks, and thinking a lot about what I will want to change. I've already started buying parts I know I'll need, but I haven't made any major concrete decisions yet. I do have a concept in my head, but that could still change.

I will start a build thread when I get going on this bike. Until then it's all in my head.


Active Member
May 23, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI
Certainly looking forward to your build thread. I can appreciate changing your focus as you build. I'm always about a week from being done!


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Disturbingly awesome!!!

I'm trying to figure out what they're trying to do with this bike. Obviously it's not going to be a show bike.

If it's for racing, it better be a downhill racer. That's the only kind of race the worlds heaviest racing MB would be competitive in me thinks.
Sep 4, 2009
What size engine is that? I bet it out does my 150cc scooter...dang scooter weighs like just under 300 lbs! Very cool looking bike!


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Thanks for that picture MBR. It's nice to see how a deep six looks with a china motor and those KW motor mounts.
That answers some questions I had about the the rear mount fitting under the tab on the seat post.