No Clam Shell Adapters


New Member
Jun 3, 2008
Souris Manitoba Canada
Well I am finally getting around to another build, and after reading a bunch on here I thought I would go with the sprocket adapter, but can't find any in stock. Are there any available? I sent a email to Pirate Cycles, but have not got any answer. I built a couple of bikes with the rag joint, and the last one is still running for the old fellow, but the clam shell looks better. By the way I am building a Raleigh 6 speed comfort bike with a 66cc China motor.The bike is 2 years old and has never been ridden, and even then I found the back axel bent, so off to the bike shop for a new axel. It was a bike sold by Wal Mart. It will be used for short trips to work and the store. I will get some pictures when done.


New Member
Sep 12, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Hi Chitty. I think Pirate was down for a week but are now back up.
I noticed the sprockets & hubs aren't available on Piston Bikes right now either.

But since you have a 6 speed, and Raleighs are very nice bicycles have you considered going with a shift kit?

*I am in no way affiliated with shift kit, or the makers & sellers of shift kit.


New Member
Jun 3, 2008
Souris Manitoba Canada
Thanks for the info Smoothe. I think I will pass on the shift kit, the 49cc that I built before was plent fast enough. I am 55 years old so my bravado has been replaced with fear and common sence lol. I am heading into town today to get a new axel, and I would like to get started building the bike, so I will go with the rag joint I guess.


New Member
Jun 21, 2010
ocoee fla
I also have a build on hold till I can find some sort of sprocket adapter, or someone that has them in stock, or will at least respond to emails telling us when they will be in stock, or why we have to either order with no sprocket or with a $50 sprocket we don't want

I have been in customer service type industries my whole life and have learned that the fastest way to lose customers is to act like you don't want customers


New Member
Dec 13, 2010
manchester NH
in his thread he said he had a few extras and to pm him if you were interested.

i paid $90 for mine shipped, but that was before he threw an open invitation out there, no idea if its the same cost or more or less now.


Bonneville Bomber the Salt Flat record breaker
Jun 25, 2009
I will post a couple fresh pictures and a price in the swap and shop section this weekend. The first round of adapters will be 40t sprockets and the adapter will be for the Shimano 110 hub. This is the single most popular set-up and will be all I have available for the first offering.


New Member
Jun 28, 2010
Birmingham, Al
FYI, I've read several post by some of the parts manufactures and they say that demand has overtaken their production capabilities for certain items. SBP was having issues keeping up with orders for their shift kits and Pirate is probably experiencing the same issues with their very fine parts. You may just have to place your order and give them a chance to catch up.

Too much demand is a problem but it's the good kind of problem. Lack of demand would put them out of business, thereby leaving NO source.


New Member
Jun 28, 2010
Birmingham, Al
I gave up waiting for an adaptor and did the rag joint.
Waiting is no fun, especially when you're constantly looking at something that's reminding you you're waiting. Still I've heard good things about those sprocket mounts, maybe there will be on in your future. Good luck.