Silverbear is in the hospital.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
About a week and a half ago Silverbear was cutting fire wood and as one piece broke free from the log the chainsaw sent it flying into his leg. A few days ago he emailed me and said he was in the hospital and on an IV because they thought he had an infection.

Today his brother Jon said that now they think he has a badly bruised bone and blood has been collecting where he has been hit because he was walking around so much.

I'll let everyone know what is happening as I hear it or Silverbear chips in as to how he feels.



The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Thanks for the good wishes, you guys. In the words of the Greek playwright Aristophanes,
"If it ain't one damned thing, it's another".

As Steve reported, I was cutting my firewood and spitting it with the wood splitter, trying to get ten logger cords of birch put away for the next year and perhaps two depending on how hard a winter. Got to about one cord left and trying to beat the weather shift from snowpack melting to too hot and would have made it if the little accident had not occurred I had a sharpened chain with rakers filed down a bit so the the old Jonsered was cutting well when the chain grabbed a chunk of firewood and shot it into my shin. OUCH... a goosegg appeared and it bled some, but being a typical male I kept cutting and cleaned it up later when the wound was a mess of sawdust and dried blood. Me tough as bear and smart like.minnow. Within a few days it hurt to put weight (which I have in good supply) on my leg, and went to the clinic in town. Lower leg was swollen and getting red splotches so the doc figured I had an infection and put me on a couple of antibiotics. After a few more days the leg was worse so they admitted me into the hospital and changed the antibiotic to one fed through a drip. Supposed to be a killer antibiotic. After a couple more days the antibiotic didn't seem to be having much any affect so another doc decided that maybe it wasn't infected but was more a matter of trauma from the hit against the bone. Nothing broken, so I've had the leg elevated and that seems to be having some benefit. Less swollen and less redness.

So I just got home this evening and am back on an oral antibiotic just in case and am to stay off my leg. Since the injury summer has arrived with enough hot weather to waken hords of mosquitoes, the worst anyone in this area can remember ever. Truly awful. So I'll stay off my leg and finish up the firewood when I can. Have done no bike work and haven't even gone for a bike ride yet this year, so it's kind of a bummer. Beats a heart attack by a long shot, though and I'll heal. Should be good to go by the time motorbicycle summer camp for boys who never grew up gets going in early July, so will make the best of what summer remains. Want to get the Hiawatha tri-car on the road! Woohoo!

Thanks again for your good wishes and kind thoughts.


Resident Mad Scientist
Feb 6, 2010
Take it easy, SB. I only just caught on to this post, and until I saw your post I was getting kind of worried. But if they gave you good meds, you should with luck never know whether you actually had an infection or not. Now, I probably don't need to say this, but take all your antibiotics to the bitter end without skipping a dose. You won't regret it. With stuff like Staph out there, and all its variations, infections are far scarier these days than when I was a kid.


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
Thanks for the good wishes, you guys. In the words of the Greek playwright Aristophanes,
"If it ain't one damned thing, it's another".

As Steve reported, I was cutting my firewood and spitting it with the wood splitter, trying to get ten logger cords of birch put away for the next year and perhaps two depending on how hard a winter. Got to about one cord left and trying to beat the weather shift from snowpack melting to too hot and would have made it if the little accident had not occurred I had a sharpened chain with rakers filed down a bit so the the old Jonsered was cutting well when the chain grabbed a chunk of firewood and shot it into my shin. OUCH... a goosegg appeared and it bled some, but being a typical male I kept cutting and cleaned it up later when the wound was a mess of sawdust and dried blood. Me tough as bear and smart like.minnow. Within a few days it hurt to put weight (which I have in good supply) on my leg, and went to the clinic in town. Lower leg was swollen and getting red splotches so the doc figured I had an infection and put me on a couple of antibiotics. After a few more days the leg was worse so they admitted me into the hospital and changed the antibiotic to one fed through a drip. Supposed to be a killer antibiotic. After a couple more days the antibiotic didn't seem to be having much any affect so another doc decided that maybe it wasn't infected but was more a matter of trauma from the hit against the bone. Nothing broken, so I've had the leg elevated and that seems to be having some benefit. Less swollen and less redness.

So I just got home this evening and am back on an oral antibiotic just in case and am to stay off my leg. Since the injury summer has arrived with enough hot weather to waken hords of mosquitoes, the worst anyone in this area can remember ever. Truly awful. So I'll stay off my leg and finish up the firewood when I can. Have done no bike work and haven't even gone for a bike ride yet this year, so it's kind of a bummer. Beats a heart attack by a long shot, though and I'll heal. Should be good to go by the time motorbicycle summer camp for boys who never grew up gets going in early July, so will make the best of what summer remains. Want to get the Hiawatha tri-car on the road! Woohoo!

Thanks again for your good wishes and kind thoughts.
You're a tough old bear, that's for sure! Your sense of humor never stops and keeps you in good spirits and young at heart.

Keep on rolling Silverbear.....Hiawatha awaits you!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Good to see you home once again. Should be an interesting bike camp, brought to you by Limpy and Gimpy. However if someone says suppers ready or hopefully "Free Beer" they might well be advised not to stand in the way of the halt and the lame.

Super good to hear that it wasn't an infection. As Allen Wrench said with the Staph infections out there it's down right scary. I would offer myself as an example. Almost a month in the hospital, a month with a portable IV pump with antibiotics going 24 hours a day and then 7 months of oral antibiotics. That ends this month thank Heavens.
They said that I was lucky they caught it early.

To darned bad about the Skeeters. Should I bring the 12 gauge or will the 410 be enough? I heard reports that it isn't safe to go outside unless you have a cement block tied to each foot so they can't carry you off.

Heal well. This is the year of the Hiawatha.



The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
Thanks for the good words you guys.
Spent a lot of time napping today, so I'm being a good patient even when nobody's watching.
My brother tells me the mosquitoes weren't as bad today, so maybe there's hope.they'll be tolerable by the end of the month. Dragonflies are appearing, so that's good. Maybe the first hatch of mosquitoes is coming to an end and the ones who didn't feed crash landed. That leaves the stealthy ones to breed the next generation of more robust predators. Dragonflies, start your engines...


Active Member
Aug 22, 2011
Vancouver, B.C.
To darned bad about the Skeeters. Should I bring the 12 gauge or will the 410 be enough? I heard reports that it isn't safe to go outside unless you have a cement block tied to each foot so they can't carry you off.
Hmm.. Reminds me of this sign at a campground we stayed at; it's just outside a place called Upsala (UP-suh-luh is how the locals say it), Ontario.


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