Have you ever ridden your Motorized Bicycle in the snow just for fun?



New Member
May 28, 2008
Mishawaka, IN
I've ridden regular bikes in the snow and it's difficult to peddle and just wore me out. Would anything bad happen if I added a motor to the mix.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

Yes, you will fall down.

Have fun.:crash:

We used to take our motorcycles of all descriptions out on the frozen lake for "fun", now I'm not a teen anymore.....rotfl


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

You can wrap the tire with bailing wire and they will go pretty good on the snow and ice. But you will still fall down......................


New Member
Aug 1, 2008
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

I've ridden mine sevral times in the snow. Not for fun, but to get to work. Side effect... it was fun. :) I know that the HT motors will run in below 0 weather now too.

If you don't have studded tires you will fall on the ice.
If you don't have studded tires you will fall on the ice.
If you don't have studded tires you will fall on the ice.

Getting studs might be a good idea. With the studs, I can easily ride on ice that you couldn't even walk on.

Frozen ruts are quite exciting... lean back, hang on, and give it the gas!


MB Builder Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2008
coventry, RI
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

if i can find the time, i'll turn some screws up through the knobbies and make my own studded tires. my plan is to cut some old tires and use the sidewalls as a liner, between the tubes and tires.
i'm going to ride mine as much as possible for work. we only have a truck, and since the baby stays with megan during the day while i'm at work, she's got to have it. i leave at 5:30a.m., so getting those two up and out the door to give me a ride is out of the question.

this morning, there was an inch of snow/sleet/frozen crispy rain on the ground, but the roads weren't slick. TOMORROW may be a different story.....


May 25, 2008
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

You can wrap the tire with bailing wire and they will go pretty good on the snow and ice. But you will still fall down......................
Wow! that is a great thought!! I was thinking of trying small screws from inside the tire with points out. Like this wire idea big time. easy install/removal. With a criss cross pattern... thinking this is a winner.
Thanks Ilikea


New Member
Nov 11, 2008
Langley b.c canada
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

Ive been driving in the snow all day with skinny 1 3/8 tires and i didnt fall once but if i wasnt careful i probably could of.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

Ive been driving in the snow all day with skinny 1 3/8 tires and i didnt fall once but if i wasnt careful i probably could of.
You didn't try hard enough or ride long enough then.


New Member
Oct 30, 2008
Grunthal, Manitoba, Canada
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

driving in deep snow doesnt work too well..bf.

If your wondering what the magneto cover is doing off my engine, Its because there's no peddles so its push start which doesn't work too well in winter.. So I use a drill on the nut that holds the magnet on to start it. works pretty good. The cloth is to soak up the gas that leaks out of the rivets. I never though of that when I used rivets to hold on the chain. As for driving in winter, I want to drive my MBs all winter long. My Dad is planning on driving his '05 Honda Jazz To work all winter long. Mbs work better than mopeds in winter because of the skinny tires.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

Wait a minute, wait a minute...You're not telling us you drilled holes in your fuel tank...Please don't say you did. I see a chain up there on the tank. Is that to lock up your bike? An anti-theft device? Have you ever considered the possibility of fire with gasoline dripping down on that exposed mag? Holy Moly, guy.


New Member
Jun 23, 2008
Longmont, CO
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

Um, what he said.

And I don't think you're supposed to just plow right into a snow bank :)
Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

Wait a minute, wait a minute...You're not telling us you drilled holes in your fuel tank...Please don't say you did. I see a chain up there on the tank. Is that to lock up your bike? An anti-theft device? Have you ever considered the possibility of fire with gasoline dripping down on that exposed mag? Holy Moly, guy.
In my short experience with engine powered bikes...It's obvious... it's a cobblers delight :D I love the rag around the fuel tank, totally ingenious!

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New Member
Oct 4, 2008
In the wind
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

That is the ghettoest bike I have seen in awhile. Be careful out there.

I had a Currie electric setup on a 700c wheeled mtn. bike in the mtns. of CO. in 2001. I did a fair amount of riding that rig on snowmobile trails and groomed xc tracks that were frozen enough that I didn't sink in more than an inch. The battery never lasted long enough for the kind of fun I had it always seemed.

I have never ridden a MAB yet on snow but the bikes I have seen out the last few days seem to be getting good enough traction. Last night when I was out shoveling my driveway I heard a god awful screeching and awhile later a guy on a pedal bike turned down the steep hill in front of my house, squealing like a stuck hog all the way, but he never got off his bike nor seem to skid. And a guy I met along the way while skiing today was doing well also. I guess I'll have to risk it tomorrow as it is supposed to be a nice day. Better rig up the video for it. Studded tires would be nice though...if you google up studded bicycle tires you will find several manufacturers make them. Nokian and Schwalbe for example. They are expensive but one set will last about a bikes lifetime with proper care. Plus you only run them a small percentage of the year too.

Not sure about that baling wire trick. Might want to install some Mr. Tuffy tire liners so that you don't get a mess of flats. Could be tricky with rim brakes also, but they don't work well in the snow anyway, a coaster is better, or discs. Have fun with that.

I know it can be done though, but will anyone try to do the Iditarod Trail on one ever? Race History Mike is a friend of mine and his current winter bike carries white gas in all the tubing. Hmmmm. I'll have to dig up some photos of it to share here. It is not motorized but sure could be. More hmmmmmm.



New Member
Nov 11, 2008
Langley b.c canada
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

You didn't try hard enough or ride long enough then.
I said i "rode all day" is that long enough? There was a couple close calls but other then that it was fine. Im a very experienced rider so dont tell me its because i didn't try hard enough or ride long enough.


New Member
Oct 4, 2008
In the wind
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

I think he was joking. It tends to be pretty light around here as a general rule and folks like Joe that have some history here tend to get a little lax with the emoticons.bf.
Sep 20, 2008
Clearwater, FL
Re: Have you ever ridden your MB in the snow just for fun?

I said i "rode all day" is that long enough? There was a couple close calls but other then that it was fine. Im a very experienced rider so dont tell me its because i didn't try hard enough or ride long enough.
Take a deep breath...Today you have been there done that! Keep going and be the guru of snow riding...teach others.
