

LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
Hey you people I'm sort of retired now after working for almost 30 years, 3 more months and I would have had 30 years in but due to snakes in the management of our company I'm no longer employed. But I plan on selling out here in Texas and moving to Mo. with in the next year and I might be opening up a small lawn and garden shop this is one of the things I'm looking into and I have other irons in the fire.
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minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Glad you joined us old retired guys sorry about the way it happened though. Good idea on the business if you really want to keep working. I would hold off on it though till people have jobs again.

take your money enjoy life and build a bike now and then for under the table cash. There is nobody more qualified to build one for sure.

Might now be a good time to sell off property same as the business nobody has any money. We had to almost give my mother in laws house away.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Where in MO? I'm just hangin' on, semi-retired and hoping the company will keep me around another year or two. Got a small pension from way back but not enough to survive on. It would keep me in bike parts, maybe. Good luck with whatever you do.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
Ptown, Texas
Norm, you can't leave here. Pampa won't be the same. In fact I'm going to call them in MO and tell them you are planning to move there. I bet the move the town and don't tell you where they moved it to. Ah I don't blame you though. It'd be nice living closer to your kids and that grand daughter............


LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
Thanks for the Kind and funny words. But do not feel sorry for me I will survive as for my old job well good luck to those who are still there we were short handed before I left and now they are even more short handed I heard they are going to have to work 10 days on and 4 days off I've done that and hated that schedule. I was among 8 to 10 people laid off yesterday and there was around 10 laid off on Monday I not sure but there is more going today and tomorrow so its a company wide thing and not necessary a personal attach on just me. Our highest ranking supervisor was the first to go on Monday and that surprised me some of my coworkers got it and didn't even see it coming I did and was preparing for it I'm glad its over now I can do things that I've always wanted to do and maybe even something new I going to have a opportunity to go to school for retraining of my choice so I have to decide on what that's going to be so enough of this lets get on with the biking I'm free to be asked questions and still help you guys and girls with the problems you have with these bikes.
I'm going to make this fun! I'm looking to moving to Jefferson city ,Mo. don't know just when yet but its in the plans. I'll have to sell this home here in Pampa or rent it so of you need a place in this town look me up I have a nice work shop area in my garage.
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minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
You might have to rent if you find a good tenant. It is hard to sell a house here. The people who have income usually seem to have bad credit. The banks are a lot more choosy now.

Still it's nice to have you around more. Best of luck and I would consider retraining as a neurosurgeon that should take a bite out their butt if they have to pay the freight.
Jun 25, 2008
You might have to rent if you find a good tenant. It is hard to sell a house here. The people who have income usually seem to have bad credit. The banks are a lot more choosy now.

Still it's nice to have you around more. Best of luck and I would consider retraining as a neurosurgeon that should take a bite out their butt if they have to pay the freight.
Wise words, i left estate agency just before the bottom fell out and rentals were merely ticking over and were a secondary concern, now those agents who neglected rentals have either adopted it or gone under, the fact is rentals have kept most of them afloat when they least expected it.
Now i have no idea on your tenancy laws etc but in theory, you could hire an agent to fully manage your property and use the income to either pay for rent on a smaller place with a bit left over to tuck into savings or subsidise the rent of your new place.

There were alot of people panicking but as my boss used to say regarding investments "theres nought more safe than bricks and mortar" true words too because although this won't go away tomorrow, we will come out the other end and prices recover, if you're patient, you could still stand to get a good price when you do eventually sell. just look at the last price dip in the 80's.

You have our sympathies Norm, but i applaud your attitude - every cloud has a silver lining, in my experience it takes an event like yours to shake you up and get you doing what you REALLY want not what you've become used to. Here's to tomorrow! CHEERS .shft.


LORD VADER Moderator
Jan 16, 2008
pampa texas
Thanks you guys for all the kind and thoughtful words.
I have the homemade recumbent bike on the back porch and I'm thinking about making it into a MB with a bastard engine I put together from parts( I'll need to make a fuel tank and an exhaust pipe. I have a door skin just waiting for the tin snips and my hammers I plan on making it super quite and it will need a silencer on the intake as most all my bikes that is where most of the noise is. So as soon as it warms up the sparks are going to fly. You know what, its fun being retired so far 1 day and counting I'm laughing as I write this. Bad thing is I still have the problem with my hands but being away from work I think they will now heal up something was eating them up there still don't know what it was but I've been very careful and even was using a special rubber glove that the safety people issued me to wear when working with any chemicals,oils, or condensate. I'll keep on using them as I still have them along with the cloth and leather gloves I wear the cloth inside the leather. I haven't had any sever beak out lately so I think it may go away. I still think I was exposed to radiation form the pipeline cleaners couldn't get those boogers to let me see the tests for natural accruing radiation on those and that got me to thinking they are hiding something that is another long story.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Norm-I retired from restoring antique furniture for 40 years.Said I never would but my health gave out [not work related] and here I am.
My attitude always was that people never knew how hard I worked until I left.Then it was to late.
Enjoy young man.The pool is deep and the water warm.