new helmet


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2007
Kalamazoo, MI
most of us do not like wearing helmets for one reason or another. face it most of us are old, bald or a little over weight possibly all three like me. not wearing a helmet because of looks is not a good reason. anyway another member had mentioned on a thread that the new helmets are actually very comfortable. I have had the same helmet since the 90's. at the time it was top of the line and spent over 100 bucks on it. however its not that comfortable. I just got back from the states and while their I tried on a few helmets at the bike shop and what a difference. I got a specialized brand helmet. price was good $44.00 bucks. this helmet is like wearing a base ball cap. very comfortable. has a little dial on the back for fine adjustments. if your helmet is uncomfortable or you are looking to get one go by your bicycle store and try a few on. you will be surprised. try them all actually. each one will fit a little different so pick the one that is best for you. if you are going to ride a motorized bicycle wear a helmet. not only your head will appreciate it if you fall but they make you look more responsible to the law and they are less likely to harass you. lots of good reasons to wear one and I can not think of a reason not to wear one


Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
I'll add a reason to wear one. Perhaps the reason that tipped the balance for me.

They can make you a lot more comfortable.

Actually, you need two of them. One for summer and one for winter.

Attach a bill to them both. To help keep the Sun out of your eyes. Rain, too, for that matter. It's really not hard or expensive. I'll make it a point to soon post some photos of how I did it.

Paint your summer helmet white. To reflect off as much sunlight as possible.

If your winter helmet is black, then fine. If not, then paint it. Also fill those breather holes with something. I use RTV silicone. (And, yes, it's kind of an ugly helmet. But it also looks like some beloved piece of essential equipment that's been riding around with us for years, maybe decades. It has street cred.) Put ear flaps on the straps. If you wear a thin stocking cap underneath --the kind that was meant for a school boy and costs 88 cents at a big box store-- you've got the warmest winter hat you've ever had. And it waterproofs your head, too. Handy during November rains.

By the way, what I'm suggesting won't work all that well for they typical streamlined, heavily vented bicycle helmet. The type that skateboarders use is better suited for it.

Now that I think about it, I'm going to have to post some other winter clothing suggestions. That time'll be here fairly soon. I've figured out some cheap and convenient ways to stay warmer. Wish I'd have figured out some of those things 25 years ago. But I guess figuring it out in the last few years is good enough.
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Easy Rider

Santa Cruz Scooter Works
Jan 15, 2008
I for one will never ride my bike without a helmet. My wife is in the medical field and she has seen some serious head injuries from minor falls. She's my voice of reason when I go for my daily rides. Plus, I know that I have too many responsibilities in life to get carelessly injured.
When I bought my new helmet, I tried on at least 6 different types. Every helmet I tried one was pretty comfy but I knew after I tried on the Kali, that was the one I had to have.
The best advice I've had was: $100 helmet vs. $120,000+ in medical bills and possibly losing everything.


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
If you have a $5 head, wear a $5 helmet. My head is worth a lot more than $5, therefore I spend real money to protect my noggin!

It ain't rocket science, it's just common sense.....wear a helmet fool!



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2011
Its better to wear a helmet while riding a m /b and let people say look at that idiot than to ride without a helmet and prove it!