Putting pegs on a mountain bike



New Member
Sep 25, 2010
This is how you put stable pegs on a moutain bike with semi-horizontal dropouts (90% of bikes have these, usually preventing pegs from being mounted, but..) Follow the instructions (My own creation, no where else on the internet will you find).

Supplies: New threaded 3/8 solid axle rod from Loews or Home Depot, 2 10mm wrenches, hacksaw and heavy automotive grease. 2 heavy duty steel phat BMX style pegs.

1. Cut both pegs "lips" off (the over hang part that screws on- this is a purely DIY custom job, no bike shop will do this = liability) with a hacksaw so that when they're screwed onto the solid axle they are FLUSH to the frame. Use thick heavy BMX steel pegs and not the thiner lighter aluminum or plastic variety. Those are a cheap and dangerous product in my opinion. When someone gets on -the frame will take the weight (mostly). Don't worry about ppl saying the frame wouldn't be sturdy enough of course it will be- just use common sense such as not biking on bumpty surfaces, jumping (with a passenger) or tricks (with yourself or budda forbid- with a passenger)
2.This is a big deal because if the pegs are not FLUSH to the frame -they'll bend the AXLE (over time, probably not immediately).
3. Next you'll need a threaded 3/8 inch solid axle- just go down to Loews or the ' Depot and buy the needed length and hacksaw it down to best size. Most moutains bikes etc, do not have solid axles (they have quick releases, which are much thiner and hollow) and even if they do have solid axles there wouldn't be nearly enough axle exposed to mount pegs, so you'll need to go get a long rod and make your own (use a hacksaw to cut to proper length- enough to fully clear the frame and fully screw on the pegs. My axle is a lot longer than anything stock).
4. You cannot used a quick release axle- it won't work- ever. Do step #3.
5. You will need to re-build the hub. It sounds hard but it's simple- merely take off the back wheel, using 2 (usually a 10mm wrench) wrenchs - unsrew the lug nuts and remove the 6-8 loose bearings. Repeat on both sides.
Put your new solid threaded axle through the now empty hub then re-pack (just stick) the bearings back into each side of the hub WITH NEW HEAVY AUTOMOTIVE GREASE and screw back on the nuts flush with the hub AND re-tighten with both wrenches on each side so that the wheel neither GRINDS OR CAN't MOVE when the wheel is spun NOR will it be woobly loose (move the wheel/tire back and forth to check-give it a good shake). It might take you a half-dozen attempted at tighten before it's right..keep re-tighten it until it's right.
note: if you have bearing cartridges instead just grease up the area and put the axle through..no need to re-pack the bearings. They're already perma-packed. But you'll still need to re-tighten the wheel nuts to perfection.

6. Remount tire to the bike, hook up the chain and screw on the pegs to your brand new special hacked down proper length axle- pegs flush- screwed all the way to the frame. Inside the pegs- mount washers,split washers and nuts to the axle. Tighten. Make sure you put nuts and washers inside the pegs- on the axle- your rear wheel will fall off if you don't.

All done! And don't worry about all the nay-sayers and never-don'ts on the internet. It's not dangerous (for rides only), nor will it trash your hub or bend your axle (if you follow the above steps)

Again, Do not used these pegs for tricks- only passengers- and only lighter passengers at that (fatty takes the bus).

It's all illegal, of course. If you are seen by the police or collide- it's on you! Be aware and ride safe. And also- this is the perfect 2012 machine. Motorized+1.. everyone will be using their cars to get out of the cities effectively clogging the roads.

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