What ever happened to...

Sep 4, 2009
I haven't been here in quite a while was just wondering if anyone knows what ever happened to kidcrash and flybytaco? both were avid mb hobbiests.


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2008
Not familiar with them, but they will be back. Have you tried searching for their posts by member name?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Don't remember kidcrash but flybytaco was on here a lot. Often they drift away from the forum or the motor bike scene. Maybe an P.M. to them will answer the question.

Of course george n texas disappeared a long time ago as well and he was always here posting.



Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
When you've been here as long as I have you will have seen good, and not so good , members come and go. Some have left because they were not 'good' members and have been eliminated for various reasons. Some have been very good members who contributed a lot to the forum and for unknown reasons, simply vanished. Those good ones are missed and we wish they would return. I can think of several at the moment who gave a lot during their times as active members and I wonder where they are today.

Are they still active in the hobby? Are they ill or have personal problems that prevent them from posting? Did something happen here to alienate them? We really have no way of knowing. I've personally sent PMs, private messages, to several who have mysteriously vanished and recieved no response. From that point we are left with guessing.

Some move on to other hobbies. Some become bored or otherwise disenchanted with motorized bicycles. Some have issues with other members here and simply avoid further confrontation. We rarely know the full story. Suffice it to say those who remain are the cream of the crop and we appreciate your loyalty and devotion to the hobby and to the forum.

Just know that the owner, Paul, and the staff are here to listen to you and will make every effort to avoid situations that would prompt you to leave. We value you and your experience and your willingness to share with new builders who need your help.

To those good ones who have left I wish the best and invite them to return at any time. They'll be welcomed.

Thanks for listening.



Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
Yep. It's one of the melancholy aspects of belonging to a forum like this. Good people will disappear. I actually kinda dislike reading old posts simply because I'll see people who I liked and wonder why they're not coming around.

Still, I don't let it really get me down. Those who've moved on must have reasons. From time to time I'll back off on posting simply because I've come to feel that I've said everything of worth that I'm able to say plus I doubt if I'll read anything really new for a while. That tends to come at times when I'm also trying to cut down on internet time and ramp up my productive time.

I actually worry a bit that the grim reaper will catch me by surprise and take me with no chance to say goodbye. Not that I have really good reason to worry about that. There're no health issues threatening me. It's just that we never really do know who's next. And that includes ourselves.

So if you don't hear from me again, then "Fellas! It's been good to know ya!"

But I do think I'm premature on that. I'll bet I have plenty of time for both worthwhile and worthless posts.


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
I only get on my bike a few times a year at the races, but I still come around here. Usually just to make some stupid jokes.

Seems like most really cool stuff has already been done, every question has been answered multiple times, and I have absolutely no interest in someone's "new" build on a walmart bike. They all look the same.

Not trying to discourage anyone, just my state of mind.

Seems like all the innovation, good or bad, dried up a few years back. Whatever happened to the twin cylinders, the usa made projects, the groundbreaking ideas?

Now it's mostly, "look at my stock bike. What else can I buy to bolt on?"
Jan 21, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I only get on my bike a few times a year at the races, but I still come around here. Usually just to make some stupid jokes.

Seems like most really cool stuff has already been done, every question has been answered multiple times, and I have absolutely no interest in someone's "new" build on a walmart bike. They all look the same.

Not trying to discourage anyone, just my state of mind.

Seems like all the innovation, good or bad, dried up a few years back. Whatever happened to the twin cylinders, the usa made projects, the groundbreaking ideas?

Now it's mostly, "look at my stock bike. What else can I buy to bolt on?"
I have kind of noticed this as well. It's part of the reason I'm trying a 2 speed transmission from scratch on my next build.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
I'd say I do like the custom builds and am drawn to those, as I started out in Non-Kit.

There however are some technical things that apply to both kit and non-kit that I learn from, that are of interest, so that is a plus. New people arrive and they have a lot of knowledge that make things keep ticking here.