

New Member
Mar 21, 2010
Springfield, Illinois
So i've been trolling these forums all night, and despite the extensive maintenance/installation time/costs/etc. -- I'm looking at pursuing putting a 4-stroke engine on my mountain bike. My license has been revoked, and I need a way to get around town...this seems viable.

In concordance with local legislation, I apparently need an engine that is less than 1 horsepower, however that seems unrealistic. So I'm basically looking at the: TITAN XC35 32CC 1.5HP 4 Stroke Engine from thatsdax.

I understand that if I purchase that, all I get is the engine. Will any of the dax premium kits that are located on the left-side of thatsdax work for installing this engine, or how's that work? I guess this is more suited to a different forum, but I figured I'd throw out a question along with my introduction. =p