O boy!! I got my motor.



New Member
Jun 24, 2009
Davison, Mi
Well, it came today. My JET SILVER 80CC from ebay. I was gonna post pictures of the parts but I think that would be tacky (unless someone wants to see them). So I guess I'll just tell y'all about it..

It came via UPS. I ordered it last Thursday and it came today, Wednesday. Not bad with the holiday and all. It came in one big box. Inside that box was 3 smaller boxes. Box 1 contained the gas tank. Its a little more than a hand full in size. Black with chrome cap. Not an impressive paint job but not bad for a mass produced product from an inferior country.

The 2nd box contained the beautiful chrome exhaust. Individually wrapped as was the chain guard which did come with a small paint chip and is of similar quality as the gas tank. Also contained hand grips, clutch lever and kill switch which all seem very cheap, but thats acceptable since they are not "hard wear" objects. Then there is also the carb, with throttle cable, rubber paint protectors, chain tensioner, a bracket I am assuming will support the exhaust and a threaded plug of some sort. And finally a plastic bag full of hardware and sprocket attachment supplies.

The 3rd box contained the coil with spark plug wire, fuel filter, sprocket, chain and last but not least the motor.
Everything is of acceptable (seemingly) quality and the motor is a very impressively heavy and solidly appearing contraption.

I'm excited..wee.