VMB Motorized Felt 'Deep 6"


Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I'm finally getting my chance to motorized a new Felt 'Deep 6'!
These bikes are so bad a$$!!!

These pix are of the bike with the engine resting in it for a quick photo opp.

This bike's getting a 'in frame' tank with a KWM filler cap & engine mounts, Sportsman hub adapter & sprocket & a old skool RAW engine.
It's going to be a bit of a challange to keep both of the drilled decorative plates.
I'll post more pix as it comes together. (^)



Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Good luck with your build. I'm not far behind you. It's going to be nice having a pro blaze the trail ahead of me. I hope you won't mind me looking over your shoulder.

Mine has been sitting in my living room all summer. When I went to pick this bike up in July, I was practically stunned when I first laid eyes on it. The dealer rolled it out onto the middle of the showroom floor, and I just stood there, and didn't really say much, but inside I was jumping up and down going OMGOMG it's mine all mine.

After that I rode it a couple laps around my van in the parking lot, and then I went for one ride on it after I got it home. It's been sitting in my living room ever since. I finally started coming out of my daze about 3 weeks ago and started ordering parts for it.

I'm planning to start on it in a couple more weeks.


Active Member
Jan 31, 2011
Lebanon, PA
Very nice, vmb! I gotta say personally I could never afford to spend what one of these things cost, but man oh man! do they look sweet lol. Im gonna keep an eye on this build, but first I'll need to drool-proof my keyboard, lol.


Active Member
May 23, 2012
Grand Rapids, MI
Looking forward to updates on this one as well. Should be pretty sweet. They didn't make many did they? Certainly on my short list of dream bikes.


The Boy Who Never Grew Up
Jul 9, 2009
northeastern Minnesota
You're right about that factory paint. I don't have any idea what that frame cost you, but if the intention from the get go is to motorize the bike and give it an in frame tank it seems like a very practical choice to me. You and I both know that using an old frame, stripping it, painting it (or having it powder coated) takes time and money. Then add in the expense in either time and money (or both) in either making or having made for you a nice tank and you already have a lot invested in the vintage frame. So, yours is a practical option. On top of that it happens to be a drop dead beautiful bike. Good choice, Norm!

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
I got lucky with this project... A customer purchased the bike at his local bike shop & shipped it to me to motorize for him.

I already have a few high dollar bikes that I purchased that are on display in my shop, & I really couldn't have afforded to to buy this one unless I sold one of those first. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
Here's a little update... I started working on the 'in frame' gas tank.
I'm using lots of tape to protect that awesome factory paint job! :)

Norm, I'm curious how you're planning to prepare the inside of the frame before sealing? I very concerned about using anything that will harm the paint.

Venice Motor Bikes

Custom Builder / Dealer/Los Angeles
Mar 20, 2008
Los Angeles, CA.
Here's a fast update... I know it's taking a real long time, but I've been super busy with several other bikes in my shop.

Here's the finished 'in frame' tank... Now I can start the final build & ship it next week. (^)