I ate it HARD



Apr 6, 2009
salt lake city
wow, in retrospect, the thread title doesnt sound very g-rated does it?

anywho, thats not the point. im here to let you all have a turn at slapping me upside the head.

i got my engine from bikeberry last friday. (FINALLY, Jeez)
Got it installed, but didnt get to fire it up until Sunday.

I rode my new toy around the block twice, and went home. I had already installed a generator light system on my ride prior to installing the engine, and so i was anxious to go out and try it with my motor.
(This is the part where you smack me)
I told my wife what i was going to do, and i left..........without a helmet

The night air felt sooooo good.......(THAT should have been my first clue that something was going to go wrong. ( Actually, it should have been the second clue. the first was the fact that i got the engine running without any problems whatsoever)

so, long story short, my lights worked awesome, but my riding skills need improvement.

i got off the sidewalk to avoid some pedestrians, and when i went to get back on, i caught the lip of the driveway and well,....lets just say that the bike had it's own notions of where it wanted to go. I went the other way

not only did i not have a helmet on, my phone was dead, and if it hadn't been for the couple i had passed just a moment before, i would have laid there on the concrete for a few hours.

Went to the emergency room, with a wicked bad case of road rash on my head (and near the front too, no way to cover THAT up!) and my right knee. At the scene, i thought i had sprained my arm, but turns out that i have a radial head fracture at my elbow. Nice eh?

so a few hours later, and a neck brace and sling later, im at home and can't use my arm for 6 weeks. this is a major bummer. not only do i not get to ride my bike, but i also miss 6 weeks of work!
(some of you might cheer for that, but i dont. i like to eat everyday)

the bike is still ridable, but i will need a new tank, and maybe a sideplate cover if i get too upset about the aesthetics..

SO..............feel free to smack away!


May 25, 2008
No need to say anything bad. I think you learned your lesson and won't repeat your mistake. The only thing left to do is get back on the horse! (With a helmet)

Ironically I hit the pavement pretty hard today myself. I was wearing a helmet and a leather jacket which saved me from much more serious damage. It still required a trip to the hospital for x-rays but I will be ok.

My error? I had cleaned up the bike the night before and had sprayed down the tires with a product similar to Armor all. When I went for my ride today the front wheel was so slick from the treatment it slid out from under me and I slapped the pavement like a flyswatter hitting a bug. HAHA! I guess my error was vanity :)

I won't be doing that again.

I am glad you are ok and that people were kind enough to lend a hand.
Last edited:
Jul 22, 2008
I keep telling myself I need a helmet it's just an excuse when I say I ride slow and I pedal/kick up my front wheel when I enter any curb at any angle train tracks that veer off at 45 degrees are the worst.
I don't fall trying not to brag but it's gonna be the other guy.
It's gonna be the other guy.


May 25, 2008
It's gonna be the other guy.
Until it isn't :(

The sad story about Natasha Richardson and her concussion that led to her death reminded me how delicate the old noggin really is. Her head hit snow and not even that hard. I like reading your posts LF! I'm selfish and want to keep reading them. Please wear a helmet. Before long it becomes a habit and then it is even uncomfortable to ride without one.


Master Bike Builder & Forum Sponsor
Dec 28, 2007
Duvall, WA PNW
You are worthy individual. Sucks that you crashed....I've come close twice. Once was stupidity with an under inflated front.....did a good laydown, not even a scratch on the bike, but I walked it home and fired the compressor up.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Sorry to hear about your accident and I understand exactly how it feels. I have told my story a dozen time. In other words it happens to us all to some degree. For some it is an almost and for some it is true pain. Let it be a learning experience. It was for me BOTH time.


New Member
Aug 28, 2008
Ledyard, CT
I just got my bike completed last week and have been riding it to work every day that it doesn't rain. I bought a helmet, but haven't been wearing it religiously like I should. I think I'm starting to feel too comfortable on the bike already. After reading about these accidents I think I'll try wearing my helmet more often, if not all the time.

Bikeguy Joe

Godfather of Motorized Bicycles
Jan 8, 2008
up north now
So did your wife yell at you? I remember when I crashed my Suzuki and broke three vertibrea in my neck, concussion, ect.ect. (yes, I was wearing a helmet, yes I was going very fast) my wife threw a fit, then said "Poor baby".


New Member
Aug 7, 2008
man that sucks, i need to find a cool helmet so i will always wear it. i almost got hit by a car once, i was turning into my friends drive way and i had looked behind be like 10 seconds before and the whole road was empty, but some guy pulled out of his driveway 30 feet behind me and zoomed past as i started to turn, if i hadn't heard him i would have continued the turn right into his path.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I have a bike helmet that I painted just like the gas tank on my bike. It has an American flag motif. I wore it with the motorbike, but I don't wear one at all with the electric bike. I probably should though.


New Member
Apr 3, 2009
A tip for all inspect everything before each ride a few months ago i went
for a quick ride down the street and my chain snapped. long story short
i had to have a metal plate put in my shoulder and had to lay around
for six weeks high on perkeset it sounds fun but it wasnt.
got to miss school though.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada
Told the helmet story I had in the helmet thread.Won't tell it again
Tried riding again a few days ago and just fell over do to bad balance.When I heard the helmet hit the pavment was glad it was there.
Hope you heal well and fast.


New Member
Feb 25, 2009
Arroyo Grande, Ca
Sorry to hear about your misfortune, happy it wasn't worse, but it sounds like you've learned you lesson.

i need to find a cool helmet so i will always wear it.
I currently use a moto-x helm, but I really want one of these Bell Drifter Helmet - Motorcycle Superstore, I just can't see spending $100 when I have a perfectly good helm. Maybe someday if I can find it on sale for like 50-60. I have seen a few other versions for 50-60, but I really want the black hide one.


Apr 6, 2009
salt lake city
im getting better, i can use my hand now, but it hurts too much to do anything else. i broke my radial head (elbow) and its going to be 5 more weeks before i can start using it. I'm already going crazy from doing nothing. im getting fat and bored. ..... but yeah other than that, im getting better.


May 25, 2008
Glad to hear your healin'up, But man, broken elbow. That sucks.

Speech Recognition with Windows XP

or Windows Speech Recognition in Windows Vista can type for you and run PC. I dunno about Macs or linux but am sure there must be some thing for them as well.

Is funny. Threw together an old 2stroker on a moon dawg for the CT rally. Test ride was just going to be a few blocks so no helmet. Thought of this thread and the helmet one and turned around right quick and got it. Went for a long ride.

Seems odd to say it, but thanks.

(hehe, just coughed and the speech thing tryed to recognize it as a word. Open the pod door Hal! nope, nutun)