what next in motorized bicycle



minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
I think pretty soon the 2cycle kit will be pretty much an ebay item, as the profit has most likely gotten pretty small since they are going for just over a hundred bucks. They used to go for 250 of the even better dollars. So the four cylinder is being pushed pretty hard now I think. I would assume there is more profit in that kit than in the lowly 2 cycle kit.

But those will begin to be copied and the price will drop on them as well I'm sure. Right now I'm sure there is a hefty profit in the e hub bike kits. I know I paid way more than mine is worth if you judge by performance compared to the two stroke kit. I'm sure those bike kits will be coming down in price as well soon.

So what do you think the next generation of kits will be???? Flux generator kits....


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2008
Re: what next in MB

So what do you think the next generation of kits will be???? Flux generator kits....
JMO, the NOW generation of kits should be your weedwhacker DIY kits!!.bld.

deacon, you guys could make a killing assembling "plug and play" kits and sell them for under $100.

That's with used engines.

I'd buy TWO, front and rear drive on the same bicycle.


minor bike philosopher
Jan 15, 2008
north carolina
Re: what next in MB

Yes I am learning enough to make that work these days. problem is those things shake themselves apart lol...

the biggest problem with china kit is the installation. a nice friction drive bolt and go would be very nice indeed. Even better if you could just change out parts like a bad engine or bad drive wheel.