what a day



Active Member
Jun 29, 2008
memphis tn
Let me begin by saying that today was a very nice day. The weather was great, I was actually working for the second time in three days with plenty more to come for now. My buddy and I were at his Moms farm in Arkansas. We were working for family so the work wasn't too demanding, granted the pay wasn't the best but the food was good.

Anyway, back to the real story. We were getting the pool area ready for the summer. This involved removing the covering from the pool, cutting the grass around and cleaning up. My buddy, for this story we'll call him Peter, not his real name just the name his Mom kept wanting to call him, his son, hereafter referred to as Jason, again not his real name but what his Grandmother kept wanting to call him, and I, who for this story will remain nameless, were all three inside the wrought iron fence and Suzzane (let's be honest, you don't really know if thats her real name or not) the Mom/Grandmother was outside the fence. We were all happily working and doing our own little part at the farm getting the pool ready after a long rest.

Oh yeah, did I mention this is on an old plantation head-quarters farmhouse? In the middle of the sticks? With bayous on two, or three sides? Have you got an idea just yet of what kind of wildlife lives in these parts? Ya know, snakes. Water Moccasins, Copperheads, them kind of snakes. The kind you hope you don't find and you certainly hope they don't find you.. Yesterday Peter and Jason found two, one of each. Today we were being real careful as we had already killed one Water Moccasin.

Jason was hanging out not really doing anything while Peter was cutting some Monkey Grass with a weed eater. I had the electric blower trying to keep most of the grass from blowing back into the pool. Can you guess what happened next? Yep you got it. I stepped back, right into the pool. Only I was at the shallow end, right by the steps, so I had stepped onto the first step. You're probably thinking, no big deal right. Well, you know how when you step back, and suddenly your foot has gone down much further then you expected, you will step back even further with your other foot, trying not to fall, trying to catch your balance. Well in doing that I stepped all the way off the steps and into the pool.

As this was happening, my thoughts went something like this. AWMAN!! I stepped into the pool! AAWWMMAANN!! I fell in the pool! AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! THE ELECTRIC BLOWER IS IN THE POOL TOO!!!! I really hope I'm not on top of any snakes! That felt,,, well it felt really weird until the blower died.

I have got to give credit to Jason. That kid was right there to help. He snatched the blower and cord out of the water real quick and didn't laugh until after it was known that I was alright. Although it was hard for him to hold it.

All in all, it was a very good day. No one was hurt, well not bad and not permanently, we all had a good laugh and now I've got a great story to tell that will have everyone who hears it rolling with laughter.
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Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Glad you're still here to tell that story. I've heard some real horror tails about electrical appliances and power tools and bathtubs and pools. You're a lucky man.