cant seem to tune the cns carb


New Member
Aug 30, 2010
san clemente
my bike is running rich and i have tried every thing to lean it out right now my top speed is 22 last week it was 35 i dont know what happedzpt can anyone help


New Member
Oct 25, 2010
Canada, Bc
How do you know its running rich? Be warned that if you accidently overlean it, you can easily fry the motor.

Also, try my new carb routing idea of just pluging the bottom overflow outlet insted of running it back into the intake.


New Member
Jul 21, 2009
Plugging the overflow may prove to be a problem, while it's vented separately so it won't vaporlock the bowl - if the float valve doesn't seat quite all the way (dirt/wear) & as most of us hafta mount the carby at a slight forward angle you could possibly flood the intake... given enough time and/or enough seep - you could possibly fill it enough to cause the dreaded hydrolock. Granted - it's unlikely, but that's why it's got an overflow drain *shrug* I jus' ran a line down to the crankset so if it's filled w/the urge to piddle - it can ;)

Insofar as the OP's problem... it's really quite odd for a CNS to run unacceptably rich, have you done a plug chop? It may sound silly, but are you sure you're using the enrichment circuit (choke) correctly? I only ask as at first I had some confusion - but lever down (cable pulled tight) & the "choke" is on, up (slack) and it's off. Also, the fuel/air mix screw is for low speed/RPM adjustment - if yer actually runnin' way rich at speed you'll need to adj. needle clip position (up for lean, down for rich)... but I'd uncap all ports and see how it goes first.

Moons was absolutely right about lean = hazardous, defo wanna check plug color bfore & after messin' w/it... still a lil weird that it's runnin' "rich" tho o_O

edit: Oh right lol, forgot to mention that the CNS hates a dirty and/or wet air filter (causes a crazy rich condition) so don't use the filter oil common on K&N style filters (the 2 cycle backblow is plenty 'nuff) - it really wants to be cleaned regularly & if it gets soaked in the rain or w/e it needs to be thoroughly dried. Not really a problem riding in the even heavy rain I've noticed - but sitting in the rain/washing your bike will do it in every time...
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New Member
Aug 30, 2010
san clemente
i was just shooting out white smoke like crazy and tried moving the c clip but it didnt work and now it randomly stopped smoking but my top speed is still terrible at 22mph i took apart the carb cleaned it then tried it it was still slow i got a new spark plug and wire as well