Quieter Standard Exhaust



Jun 8, 2009
Salisbury East
hi mick29 here, is it posible to quieten a standard exhaust that comes with the 50cc motorized bike kit, if you remove the bottom cap and fit steel wool in the muffler part, replace the bottom cap will this restrict the exhaust flow too much or is there a better way, im trying to make the bike quieter because round my way everyone seems to dislike motorized bicycles, dont know why, i think their great fun, theirs problely been one or two people that have spoilt it for ME. Any ideas would be really great. Remember ride safe everyone


Active Member
Jul 29, 2012
Central Illinois
It can be done. I've done it.

I used stainless steel pot scrubbers instead of steel wool. That's because I'm afraid of the steel wool deteriorating into steel dust that clogs up the muffler.

Also I didn't pack this stuff in there very tightly. To keep from restricting my exhaust too much. If I remember right it was only part of one of these pot scrubbers. They cut pretty easy.

And it made the bike a bit more quiet.