My bike does power wheelies + video

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
Kudos bud Look at that s*** eating grin prolly could't knock that grin off his face if ya tried. I know I said this at the other posting I am asking again!:D

Well what can I say I am a bit speechless got quit a bit of power there. This thing has to be stroked out differant than a 5.8. 12+ really? Looks like it could be very well true. Do tell us the variables here?

It is more than a simple pipe , carb and reed valves.....

Those spokes are gonna need up graded real soon! [rear wheel] I give ya 500 miles tops:D

Now where would that clutch be locking up at rpm wise? What clutch is it? How long will it last will be interesting. My thought process here is if you are truly locking the clutch up at a lower rpm it has a chance.

Good job!!

Now I just wish I never had vested money in this 5.8 peice of....

What can I say I am jealous..
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New Member
May 25, 2010
Kudos bud Look at that s*** eating grin prolly could't knock that grin off his face if ya tried. I know I said this at the other posting I am asking again!:D

Well what can I say I am a bit speechless got quit a bit of power there. This thing has to be stroked out differant than a 5.8. 12+ really? Looks like it could be very well true. Do tell us the variables here?

It is more than a simple pipe , carb and reed valves.....

Those spokes are gonna need up graded real soon! [rear wheel] I give ya 500 miles tops:D

Now where would that clutch be locking up at rpm wise? What clutch is it? How long will it last will be interesting. My thought process here is if you are truly locking the clutch up at a lower rpm it has a chance.

Good job!!

Now I just wish I never had vested money in this 5.8 peice of....

What can I say I am jealous..

Hey Goat, dont give up on the 5.8, I replied in the Morini section on some stuff you can do to it...


New Member
May 25, 2010
There used to be a video on Youtube of a guy riding a wheelie for several blocks on a bike with a HT engine kit, but it's been removed. :(
You know it takes serious skill to get to balance point on a motorbike!

I can pull wheelies on a superbike easily, but a manual on a bicycle? forget it. The hardcore bmx guys are pretty talented to say the least.

I can do regular peddle wheelies on bicycles pretty decent, but the vid I posted is to show how it will pull the front up off the throttle only; if you're not leaned forward, you're going off the back haha

Happened to me the first time I rode it with the new gearing, and since I refused to let go when we went down I took all the impact. Bike was fine except for a tiny scratch on the kick start lever.

That's why I'm wearing my motorcycle helmet and gloves. This thing is scary quick now.
I love it. I seriously miss it, and I'm on vacation right now hahaha


New Member
May 25, 2010
Haha Glad you guys like it.
Bike is super fun, and looks better now with the proper tank on it.

Also am running a sprocket adapter for perfect chain allignment. And tops at about 48MPH with the "Wheelie sprocket" on...