


Active Member
Jun 29, 2008
memphis tn
Since my other thread doesn't have all the info, I decided to start a new update thread.

It has been an exciting month or two. The home that was left to me I will not be able to keep. I'm living here still while looking for a new home. Which I think I may have found, am calling an agent tomorrow.

I've no utilities, except for the extension cord run from my tenants apartment up front. One lamp, computer, router, modem, fan, phone charger and coffee pot have power and that's enough for me for now. If my pastor hadn't lied to me when he assured me of some help, the utilities wouldn't be off.

Last month, from the 19th-23rd I was in the cardiac unit of my local hospital. Acute Pericarditis, the sack the heart is in was collecting fluid. And it was apparently caused by the high levels of Rheumatoid in my system. And it will also attack other organs as well. So I have no idea when the Rheumatoid will attack what organs next or if it will even. So each day that I wake up is a day of celebration, simply because I did wake up.

I had just bought some veggies, in order to make some veggie stew, the day before I went into the hospital. While I was gone they spoiled. When I got out I had no money and the food in my pantry was getting really low. I asked my pastor that weekend if I could get some groceries from the food pantry at church. Well it was locked and the person with the key was gone. He assured me, again, of help and then just forgot about me. I only went hungry one night and another church member brought me some groceries the next morning. So now I'm looking for a new church home. I can't trust a person that lied to my face twice.

Hopefully I'll have a motored bike again soon. My bro has one he's gonna give me that needs a motor mount stud drilled out and the hole re-tapped. In the meantime, I've been riding my pedal bike more as my RA pain is coming under control.

So, that's my life at the moment. I hope things settle down soon so I can just relax.

Goat Herder

Gutter Rider
Apr 28, 2008
Keep faith It will get better. I have faith it will. My prayers go out for you. My Uncle has Parkinson's . We cannot have perfection in our fellow man. Only in Christ.