no float pin? no throttle? cant even idle. starts at wide open and trys to go further


New Member
Apr 11, 2014
hey guys im a nooby here been googling scooter for about 2 years and done just enough from tuning a carb to replacing a piston or timing valves but thats it.

so this is my first bike engine kit and i just got it 2 days ago. i made skme mistakes cus i was a exvited little lad and needed a ride to school but now i have the weekend comming up so i wanna do this baby right.

so my first question is about the killswitch. i foundout that it came with a bad onei gutted it and tried stafting and it sprung to life but when it did it was like i was constantly holding the throttle open but i was not. there is plenty of slack in the throttle but in the carb its reall tight for somereason i cant imagine i installed it wrong i did it over and over amd even watched many videos on it. i did my best to make the throttle as loose as possible but thats all it is its just loose feels like hella play in the grip and the carb just decides to be always open. i have to choke it to turn it off. really scary when u have to hold the clutch in at full throttle nd have to fiddle for the choke as the engine reaches max revs.. i tried about 3 more times after the first and it was still the same. im thinking a bad cable or carb idk.

so yea cant idle cuz it just runs at wide open all the time.
also im pretty sure my ratio is 32:1 should i change it for breakin?

for making my own killswitch what wires to j have to make come in contact? i have a blue and white comming from the magneto and a black on the fron of the magneto that just basicly hangs there. and i got a blue and black for the cdi.

btw should i change the cdi and plug? sparks fine and plug seems to be a good quality one.

i did not flush the engine tho im not sure hlw to do that can slmpne go into detail? do i just throw hella gas in there and pour it out like a monkey? id prefer not to have to open up the crankcase.x

I tried a mechanocal switchfrom a keyboard for the kill switch and wired it to white and black or was it blue and black.. er what would u wire it to?

as u can see im a huge begginner and prolly need to be scolded.. be gentle

btw carb is the standard nt carb my kit is from bikeberry


New Member
May 31, 2013
Re: no float pin? no throttle? cant even idle. starts at wide open and trys to go fur

To check your throttle cable slack, unscrew the 2 screws holding the black air cleaner on your carb and remove it. When you look into the hole, you'll see the slide sitting in the chamber with a small gap at the bottom. If your cable is real tight, the slide will be near the top/wide open. If you pull your throttle, you'll notice the slide go up and down. If the slide is having issues moving, you might not have matched the little groove on it to the bump in the carb and so it is jammed. It should slide freely. If you screw in the idle screw on the carb, you'll notice the slide slightly move up and down, setting your idle. Fire up your engine and raise/lower the slide until the idle sounds good. Then adjust the screws up by your throttle until it moves the slide with a small pull of the throttle. To loosen the thottle cable, screw in the cable to the throttle, unscrew to tighten.

32:1 should be good for breakin. I'm not sure about making your own kill switch, but you could always just flip the choke lever up to kill the engine. Also, when you go to first start your engine, see if it likes the choke lever on or off as some engines will not start with the choke on.

The white wire is for lighting but it is useless since the engine can't make a strong enough current to power a bright light. Fold it back and tuck it into the other wires and forget about it.

Black to black, blue to blue. Black is the ground wire.

CDI and plug should be fine unless they stop working. Be careful that the spark plug boot doesn't fall apart when you take the plug out of it (it rips out the fasteners).

Be sure not to tie down your cables anywhere. Any sort of binding/kinking will make your cables very hard to pull. Spraying wd-40 down the cables also helps make them pull easier.
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New Member
Apr 11, 2014
Re: no float pin? no throttle? cant even idle. starts at wide open and trys to go fur

thank you for the tips i checked the slide and had to do a bit grinding but it go in and out now. but i ran into another issue the engine wont turn over! it feels like the clutch is slipping or i blew a piston? i have spark but if i were to plug the sparkplug hole with my thumb im able to keep itvthere as i turn the wheel with clutch engaged know what i should check to confirm this?

does anypne know a good step by step guide for checking the piston?


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
Re: no float pin? no throttle? cant even idle. starts at wide open and trys to go fur

Are you trying to turn it over by spinning the rear wheel by hand with the bike sitting in the garage or by riding down the road at a fast pace and letting the clutch out?