Constant Clutch Problems


New Member
Apr 10, 2009
grand rapids, michigan
So right now I have 2 bikes here, and both seem to have the same problem- the clutch wire. It seems that no matter how I try, the clutch release wire doesn't stay put. I have gone through 2 sets of replacement wires due to this, as the constant need to reset the wire every friggin' time I go out to ride has left the thing shredded.

Is this a constant source of anger and hatred for all of you? Is there some trick that as a noob to it all that I am missing out on?

Also, the clutch arm on my Grubee 48cc Starfire 2 seems to need to be pushed ALL the way in now to get the freewheel action going.. IS this an inherent problem with these bikes, or did I blow something out? It works fine when I can get it started, again, it just takes 30 minutes worth of dinking around with to ride at all.. When the maintenance time is double the time and effort proportionately to how long the thing is ridden it just seems something isn't right..:-||


Active Member
Aug 19, 2009
San Diego, Kaliforgnia
Just a thought, how hard is your lever pull? If the clutch spring is too tight, I can see that beeing possible to overpower the ability for the pinch screw to grip the cable.


New Member
Apr 10, 2009
grand rapids, michigan
it's all standard, I haven't monkeyed with the clutch release at all.. It's the tension/spring release that's standard on these kits now.. Should I be clipping the spring down near the swing arm?

It has literally been a deal for the last 4 months that I spend a ton of time dinking with it to work right, then get a good hour or two worth of riding out of it, to come back the next day and have to reset everything all over again.

My latest 66cc Grubee's clutch arm seems to stick when pushed in towards the motor.. I was almost thinking of forgoing the entire clutch wire problem and just reaching down manually as I can't figure why it's sticking other than faulty manufacturing. (a big surprise there as this is the 2nd engine I've had on the same bike.. the first one from King's never worked to begin with.. I was hoping the Grubee would be better built..)


May 25, 2008
I have never experienced the problems you are describing. I do a few things on every install however.

I lube the clutch lever mechanism. I adjust the clutch arm to be at more of an angle (angled toward the cable mount) to make it easier to pull. I adjust the star nut (internal adjustment) to make sure the clutch is releasing and engaging properly.

All of these adjustments are described here in the forums.