german law question


New Member
Aug 5, 2013
Hanscom AFB, Ma
Hello all,

I have scoured the interwebs looking for info about laws, the/regulations for motorized bicycles in Germany. I found one article about mopeds, but, after reading the article I think applies to premade mopeds with serial numbers (I might be wrong). I also came across a couple articles here but, no one said for sure what the laws are in germany. I was wondering if anyone has any knowledge. I am military and will be living in K-town near Ramstein. If anyone knows please give me a shout. Thank you


New Member
Dec 1, 2014
that link says
A Mofa is a small moped or motor-assisted bicycle that can be driven up to 25 Km/h by anyone of 15 or over, without a driving licence. However, it is necessary to pass a written and practical test. These are offered by the majority of driving schools (Fahrschule). Helmets are mandatory.
I would suppose that as long as it meets the definitions given it doesn't matter if you built the moped yourself or not.

unfortunately I can only speak nein Germans, so I am unable to read the legal definitions found in links on that page, but from what I can tell if it fits the definition of "mofa" (the bullet point list at the top of the page) you do not need a driving license to use one, but must pass a written and practical test.

you've mentioned that you are military, and being stationed in Germany so you should be able to contact a liaison of some kind whose job literally is "making sure nobody breaks local laws" at the very least you should be able to get contact information for the local authorities and ask them.
by the sounds of things you can totally use one of these bikes but you need to fill out the correct forms to do so.

that said, from what I've read on that site if it goes too fast, or has tyres that are too wide, or is too heavy. it falls under another category and requires a European drivers license to operate.


New Member
May 4, 2011
San Jose, Ca.
So far it dont sound any tougher than riding one in California, No turn signals required but ya better have everything else. I KNOW, THE COPS DONT CHECK THAT CLOSE, So as long as yer close enough. Ca. law says headlight, low and high beam tail light AND brake light, HORN and mirrors. AND, WHY of course not officer,I wasn't doin 40mph. THIS bike barely does 28mph. Thats my story and I'm stickin to it.
Good luck in Krautville bro. I really hope everything works out for you.


Staff member
Sep 15, 2008
Littleton, Colorado
Maybe just ride your motorized bicycle and if/when you get stopped tell them you have been unable to find any info on the legalities.

Your base APs might be able to help. Have you asked them?

And, thank you for your service. From one Airman to another.



Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2009
British Columbia Canada

Welcome to our forum. If you go to the top of the page you will see a Goggle search box. I put in Motor Bikes in Germany and came up with a little information. Here is what I found in one post.



I'm from Berlin / Germany and at the time i'm building my first motorized bike.
First succesfull test drive was today (finally!). I started with a Velor Timeshifter frame, I think this bike is only available in Europe... but it's a nice base for a boardtracker project. I'll post some more pictures and videos when it's done.

Here in Germany, motorized bicycles are just legal without a license plate when they are under 33cc and drive less than 20km/h
(~ 12.5 mph)... everything with more power needs a license plate; to get one it has to be checked by the TÜV which is very very expensive and nearly impossible to pass... I can ride my bike on the street, but only when there's no police around
Anyway, just two motors are available here (49cc or 80cc) and a few parts like air filters and regeneration kits.

Greetings form Berlin.


New Member
Jun 3, 2015
I am in Ireland and contacted the authorities about the situation regarding motorised bicycles and was told that our legislation reflects that in the rest of Europe. While there are no hard and fast rules the fact that they require pedals for prupulsion they are classed in the same category as electric bicycles.

Ludwig II

Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2012
UK has Low Power rules (1kw/1.3hp, 16mph) and ordinary 28mph restricted moped rules. The Single Vehicle Approval is straightforward enough for LP bikes, which are exempt from much of the fittings of the 28mph rules.

You still need registration, licence, insurance, helmet though.


Active Member
Jan 12, 2017
I'm planning on moving into Germany next year, January 19th, so I also need to know legislation and whether or not I'm allowed to ship my bike in. I know flammable materials are not allowed to be air shipped, nor any pressurized container. Any input on this would be very nice.