Signal Hill Ride


Active Member
Mar 1, 2008
Aztlán, Arizona
My travels begins by heading West of the city to Tucson Mountain Park and through Gates Pass to Signal Hill . Signal Hill is about 25-30 miles from the Old Pueblo.

Gates Pass road was built by Thomas Gates in 1883, he needed a shorter route around the mountains from his ranch to Tucson. After leaving Gates Pass which is a insanely step pass that will put your Motorized Bicycle to the test both up and down you enter Saguaro National Park. Which includes Old Tucson Studios and the Desert Museum.

Often as I ride up or down Gates Pass; I can’t help wonder what it was like on a horse and buggy? Nothing but dirt, cacti, boulders and rocks; no guard rails, just barley wide enough for your buggy with your wheels dancing with the near straight drop off and the unpredictability of your horse getting spooked. Those were true travelers back then.

Signal Hill is named for the 150 two thousand year old petroglyphs left behind by the Hohokam people. Some say Signal Hill probably was a Hohokam culture sun-watching station. From the hill’s great unobstructed view of sunrises and sunsets on distant horizons.

Most of the drawings are variations of circles and spirals as well as animals, lizards, and stick figures.

The actual trail to the hill from the picnic area which is distant, step, rocky and full of all various cactus known to man and a prime spot for the Diamond Back rattle snake does not allow any bicycles. But, to get my bike in the photo of the motifs; I hiked my bike up the trail which was no easy task.

Heading West on Speedway towards Gates Pass (photo 1)

My first stop was at the International Wildlife Museum. (Photos 2-4)

My next stop was the beginning of the Tucson Mountain park (photo 5)


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